12: Journal

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After what happened we eventually got ourselves a room with the man. He watched for a little while then Billie finally shot him then wrapped his body with the blanket and stuffed his body in the closet.

We left out in a hurry and Billie hopped in the car with her bare penis still out she didn't even have time to put her thong back on. The whole car was silent and it felt extremely awkward.

"Why would you do that?" I said breaking the silence.

"Do what?" She said acting clueless.

"dO WhAt?" I said in a mocking tone."literally take my virginity." I said angrily.

"I've never had sex before and I wanted my virginity to be taken by someone who I love and who's really special to me." I said in a saddened voice.

"I am special and you do love me" she said acting cocky.

"Shut the fuck up can you be serious for once you dumb bitch." I said slapping my hand over my mouth."I mean not dumb...bitch" I said turning over to her.

Her eyes were red and I swear I saw horns kind of fading in a bit on her head.

"Listen here you demon bitch you and daddy satan can die for all I care. You are not special to me and neither is this job." I said rolling my eyes.

I didn't even get to blink before I felt someone on my lap. I then felt a tight grip around my neck and I put my hand out gripping the seat.

"You wanna say that again baby? Don't act like you didn't enjoy my fat cock in your pussy." She said close to my ear."you know you enjoyed that so much, you're probably soaking wet at the thought of it."

"But guess what it's not happening again. Don't sit here and disrespect me and my god damn father when you know you've always thought about having my dick in your fucking vagina" she said pressing her cock in between my legs.

I was soaking wet right now this whole interaction was turning me on. I didn't even know how to respond to what she said because it wasn't exactly a lie.

She then looked down on me and kissed me on the lips and I enjoyed every second of it. I didn't know what was going on. I was so confused.

"That's the first and last time you'll ever kiss me and get to have my cock inside you." She said hopping off my lap and getting back in her seat.

I was sitting there frozen like a statue I still wasn't gonna admit to her face that I really liked her. I did enjoy her taking my virginity I may have even fantasized about it before.

She started the car and started driving me back to the complex. I stayed quiet and stared out the window I didn't know what to say or think.

I turned to look at Billie and she had a annoyed expression on her face.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disrespect your dad or anything you just fucked me without consent." I said looking at her.

"Oh? You think I haven't seen that little journal of yours." She said still having an annoyed look across her face.

My eyes went wide. I have a journal I write every detail about my life in. It's like a journal for future me. So of course I wrote about her and let's just say that what I wrote wasn't so PG.

"I don't even want her consent I just want her to shove that huge cock in my ass." Billie said mocking the words from my journal.

"What the fuck. That's so personal to me what the hell is wrong with you." I said crying."That's my personal belongings you can't just go through my shit like that."

"Oh please I technically own your loser ass I could go through it if I want to." She said harshly. "You're like my little play thing."

I was in such shock I stayed quiet until she dropped me off at the apartment. With angry tears I made my way to the door after going up the elevator. I frantically started packing my things.

I changed my clothes fast and continued filling the suitcase up.

"So I'm a play thing huh?! A loser!?" I said stuffing my clothes in the suitcase angrily.

I packed as much stuff as I could and I was gonna empty a lot of money out my bank account. I was officially leaving this crazy bitch. No wonder all her assistants left her.

I walked out the complex with this huge suitcase. I went towards the closes place that had an ATM and I emptied out thousands of dollars.

I called an Uber and I waited by the side of the bank I was at for them to come. When they finally arrived I threw my suitcase in the back and sat in the front. It was a scrawny looking man as my Uber driver he looked to be around 25.

I told him to take me to the nearest airport and we were off. I was in a rush because this crazy bitch some how always knew my location and would appear there.

I got out the mans car and I grabbed my suitcase frantically. I was gonna buy a ticket while I was here and get a flight to the farthest place away from here.

I figured I go to Japan or something. I went up to the desk lady and I asked when's the next flight for Japan and she said three hours. I could wait three hours.

"Are there any seats available?" I asked looking around like I was scared Billie would be behind me.

"Yes but only first class seats." She said looking up from her screen and straight at me with a smile.

"I'll take that, I'll take that." I said shoving my card in her face.

Billie gave me this card she could've already took the money off of it so I was scared it would decline.

"There seems to only be one seat left for first class you're in luck." She said joyfully. "I think you have to sit next to someone though. Is that alright?"

"Yes it's fine just hurry up and give me the seat." I said as she started to swipe the card and print out a ticket.

"Here you go! Enjoy your flight." She said waving at me.

"Enjoy your flight." I said mocking her with my hand.

I waited in the food court area and got a shit ton of snacks and food. I've never even been on a plane so I was a bit scared.

I walked to the seating area for my plane and I waited a good 10 minutes before they started calling people by tickets.

First class went first so I put my luggage where it was suppose to go and I started walking into the plane and down to the first class section. The other person who I was suppose to sit with wasn't here yet so I sat down and waited.

I saw a person walking towards my seat and they sat down next to me. They had on mostly black and a mask.

"Hi I guess we're gonna be close to each other-" I said cutting myself off as I saw those piercing blue eyes I could never forget.

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