7: Suspicion

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I didn't say anything during the car ride. I was literally shaking and she knew I was scared too because of the way she frowned when she turned to me.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled out.

"You think I'm gonna accept that apology after you made me go unconscious then tied me up to a chair to forcefully make me watch you and your girl have sex? Oh and also tried to forcefully make me give you head?" I said snapping at her.

"Fucking psycho... then you said if I want my job I have to do all these things. Maybe I should've stayed in that shitty complex." I said staring out the window.

"Well I'm sorry it's just that I thought since I had all this money I could boss people around and make them do whatever I tell them to do but my "dad" isn't allowing that." She said staring ahead at the road and doing air quotes at the word dad. I didn't question it and just let it slide.

"Wow so you stopped cause your dad told you to, very mature." I said getting angrier.

"Acting like a god damn child I feel like I'm working for a toddler." I said fidgeting in my seat from how mad I was. Usually when I'm this mad I pace back and forth but I'm in a car.

"Did daddy tell you to wipe your ass after you shit too, shitty butt." I said making puppy-dog eyes.

She was visibly getting angrier because of how tight she was gripping the steering wheel.

"Well you're just a homeless hag bitch who begged for me to take her in, at least I have a dad who fucking cares about me." She said making the car grow silent.

I felt my eyes start to sting and then I felt a tear fall down my cheek, then another, and another until I was full on sobbing.

We stopped at a red light and I literally jumped out the car and started walking while sobbing and wiping my tears from my face.

Billie got out the car with me and started yelling for me to get back in the car and I started speed walking away. She quickly jumped back in the car because of all the people honking behind her and she started driving towards me and stopped at a curb. She got out the car and ran up to me and grabbed me by my arm yanking me back.

"Get off me!!" I said as I pushed her off and started running. I know I was being a bit mean in the car but she literally tried to forcefully make me suck her off and forced me to watch her fuck someone I had every right to say what I said!

I was gonna run to the the apartment due to me not being far and pack my suitcase with a bunch of stuff then run away somewhere because she literally paid me 6k an hour and I've worked for her for about 12 hours in total meaning I had about 72K already I could leave and buy a nice apartment somewhere else.

I ran into the apartment complex and I think Billie was already ahead of her time because the front desk ladies ran up to me and tired to grab so I ran back out the complex and ran until I didn't know where I was.

I was roaming the streets and I was walking around looking for a store that sold suitcases I was gonna take a plane to somewhere far and leave. I'd definitely get a great job if people knew I was an assistant for a billionaire. 

She literally brought up me not having caring parents and that hurt me deeply not to mention the forceful sex thing. so now I'm just running away because this girl is psycho and she'll try to find me.

Also her eyes flashing red like she was a demon really freaked me out. I wasn't fazed before but the more I thought about it the freakier it seemed and her dad being named satan what—I paused in my thoughts and completely stopped walking after a realization. There's no way that could actually be satan he's not real I'm going crazy.

That's when I saw a flash of red and turned behind me to see Billie standing right there and her car wasn't even over here how the hell did she just fucking spawn.

"Come on y/n you're coming back with me." She said with her eyes not even flashing red this time they just stayed red.

I was clearly trembling in fear and her eyes turned back to blue and she started apologizing about her having some condition and eyes turning red from it and she made it sound so believable but her dad being named satan just wasn't adding up.

"Can you leave me be Billie I don't wanna be your assistant anymore you're crazy and you disrespected me by talking about my family." I said starting to walk off. She then stopped me again claiming she'd pay double the money and make it 12k an hour. That was literally insane.

"Why do you want me to be your assistant so badly there's like thousands of people out there who look and act exactly me." I said confused.

"Please I beg you, it's not because of how you look or act it's because this has happened with all my assistants they always wind up fleeing the country or something." She said in a sad tone.

"I wonder why." I said rolling my eyes.

"Please I'm begging I like that you have an attitude, no one's ever dared to talk to me like that." She said literally getting on her knees and not gonna lie I loved seeing her like that.

"Fine I'll be your little assistant again but if you pull some shit like that again I'm fleeing the country just like the rest did." I said in a serious tone.

"Thank you, thank you!" She kissing my forehead and making me blush a bit.

I don't know how someone like that was making me blush she literally did horrible things to me but she was also gorgeous and I never wanted to admit it. Her pale skin, her beautiful blue eyes and her freckles. She was drop dead gorgeous but I'd never say that to her face in a million years.

Billie called her driver to pick us up from where we were and I didn't even wanna ask how she got here in the first place she was clearly satans daughter or something.

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