90|Devonford Prep

Start from the beginning

Just like Lydia had advised so many months ago.

Rushing down the hall, Liam moved to match the small blonde's pace before resting a hand on the small of Beck's back to grab her attention. "Hey, I didn't think you would be back so soon. You doing okay?" Liam asked, studying Beck's face in concern.

"I'll be fine once people stop asking me that stupid-ass question," Beck grumbled, brushing a couple of strands of blonde hair behind her ear. "But other than that, I'm managing. What about you? Nervous for the scrimmage tonight?"

"That and other things," Liam muttered as he removed his hand from the small blonde's back, the pair still walking down the hall. "But really, Beck, are you okay?"

Beck smiled softly as she looked down at the ground, touched by Liam's concern. "I'll be okay, just need to get through today and the scrimmage." The small blonde then turned to Liam. "You think you're ready for tonight?"

Liam sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I have this recurring fear that I'm gonna lose control on the field."

Shrugging her shoulders, Beck brushed some more hair behind her ear. "You just need an anchor."

"What's that?" Liam asked, head snapping up to focus on Beck.

"An anchor is something you want to be in control for. It can be an emotion that you feel strongly about, a memory that you enjoy, or a person you care for." Beck explained as they stopped in the hallway. "Every werewolf has an anchor. Derek's was anger, Isaac's is the memory of his dad, Tessa's is the memory of her brother, Malia's is Stiles, and Scott's was Allison before he changed it to himself. Liam, all you need to do is think of something that makes you want to be in control and focus on that. Then you will gain control."

"What about you?" Liam asked curiously, blue eyes focused on Beck. "Do you have an anchor?"

"Yeah," the small blonde whispered with a nod of her head. "Drew."

BECK STOOD IN front of Drew's locker, the memorial the students were building for him growing by the second

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BECK STOOD IN front of Drew's locker, the memorial the students were building for him growing by the second. Photos, notes, flowers, and even some candles were piled around the locker. Beck had given up on trying to read the notes, there were so many.

Instead, Beck just stood there, watching. Waiting for Drew to walk over and make a joke. Wrap his arm around her shoulder and call her beautiful like always.  But that was never gonna happen again. He was dead.

Suddenly, Mase appeared, wrapping a tight arm around Beck's shoulders to steer her away from the memorial. "It's okay," he muttered as Beck realized tears were falling down her face. "It's almost over. Let's just get through today. Maybe after the game, you could come over and we hang out, like the good old days."

"That sounds like something I need at the moment," Beck muttered, moving her head to Mase's shoulder. Beck never realized it before, but she could always count on Mase to be there to help pick her up. Ever since they were children, Mase had been there for Beck. "Did I ever tell you thank you?"

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