Chapter 53

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At the open space where Xiao Yu and his comrade was blown by who knows what kind of force,  they position themselves circular with each other like a defense formation. At the center, of course there Xiao Yu is.

" What was that? " The surprised mara asked. It's because, even with her and Tian Bai. They still failed to notice the force. Their senses are so keen that only few can escape from it.

" That might be the effect of the formation set to the forest. We must be careful. That blow was too strong enough to awaken other beast here." As a beast that  inhabited the same place, Tian Bai knows the movement.

A dark red smoke rapidly surrounded them and even in nearby places. Because of the protective heirloom of Tian Bai no smoke manage to penetrate through.

" This thing is poisonous. We must retreat first and wait till it cooldown. "

Tian bai activated the teleportation talisman. But before it could fully activated someone tried to get into his vast land, with such terrifying energy.

" Dangerous! Someone is here watching us! The talisman isn't working " Tian Bai widen his eyes. So far he haven't feel such power until today. Especially that even his teleportation talisman was disabled.

" The smoke is blocking our vision, I can't sense them " mara tried his hearing ability to feel any breathing presence near them but unfortunately she found none.

" If only my core wasn't broken, I guess I could eradicate this smoke and can get us all out of here. " Xiao yu took pity to his current condition. He knows that by being weak, means danger.

" Gege, how could you say that. Don't worry with your Wang Xian here, even if I will die I will make sure that you'll be safe." Wang Xian hug Xiao Yu. He's fully aware of the condition of his gege. Even if he wants to help Xiao Yu to recover, but how?

" My goddess... I mean brother Yu, don't worry I will protect you no matter what. "

" Your majesty, I'm also willing. "

Hearing all the three of them cherish him too much. His suffocated heart finally felt happiness.

" Thank you, everyone. " Even though it's just a simple thank you, but it is field with love and trust.

" I think I could at least minimize the thick of this smoke, enough to see the surrounding. " Mara is an air attribute beast. Therefore, she can move the wind by her command. But because she isn't powerful enough, she could not fully dissipate this poisonous smoke.

Inside the barrier created by the heirloom of tian Bai. Mara, activated her beast core and connect it to the wind revolving outside. She gesture his hand across with each other and back along with the release of her spiritual qi.

A group of wind started to rotate a few meters away from them. From a small rotating wind, until it become an enormous whirlwind. Because the smoke is dependant to the wind, the smoke begun to channel themselves towards the whirlpool. By that, the surrounding dark smoke slowly gone leaving only some portion of it.

" Gege, I think if I continue I might loss control to this whirlwind. The smoke is defecting the wind I can't do more. " Mara's face showed distress.

" Mara don't force yourself. I'll try to freeze the whirlwind so you can let go. "

Xiao Yu release his water spiritual qi to the whirlwind and froze it. Because the whirlwind is circulating continuously it's not that easy to be frozen. Mara slowed the movement of the whirlwind so it could be much more easier. Finally the whirlwind along with the poisonous substance is now frozen.

Tian Bai withdraw the power of the heirloom since it's also draining to support it with his qi. Two men are at the top of the falls floating. They're wearing a different style of dress. One is wearing a sapphire with black on it. While the other one is wearing a plane scarlet robe.

" Who are you people? "
Tian Bai asked. Tian Bai is the brave one here.

" You don't deserve to know our names. You'll soon gonna die anyway. " Arrogance can only be the word that can explain his tone of voice.

"Disgusting human! How dare you! You intruder dare to be so arrogant within my forest! "Tian Bai retorted angrily.

Xiao Yu carefully scan the two. He is certain that these two doesn't belong to their empire. So  if not? Where these this two came from?

" Curtain of death kill! " The man wearing a scarlet dress arrogantly deploy his skill towards them.

From the sky a red string like a curtain fall down sharply with it's terrifying speed.

" Roaring wave! "

Two forces from different owner collided. But the tian Bai is at the disadvantage. The man is powerful than him.

" Brother Yu, quick we must escape they're very powerful. " He know quite well that they won't be their match so why fight?

" Do you think you can run? Hahahahaha dream on! I summoned the spirit of the water dragon, slaughter these people for me! " the man with sapphire robe extended his right hand upward and soon a big water dragon emerge.

" The three of you go. I will hold them, enough for you to be safe. Use the talisman I gave you before" Xiao Yu anxiously said.

" Xiao Yu! Why do you want to always sacrifice yourself? Why do you want to die so bad? Why are you always pushing me away? Why are you not thinking about yourself? " This is the first time Wang Xian called xiao yu by his name. This is due to his anger and pain hearing Xiao Yu always wanted to sacrifice himself for them, and he had enough.

" If you want to die by always pushing us and ended up sacrificing yourself. I think this will be the last time you see me. I'm sorry gege, but I rather die than watching you fight for me. Can't you see? I'm doing everything I can to be strong to protect you. But I think you don't trust me. "

" I...i " Xiao Yu is so stunned to speak. He only wanted to save them all. But why did Wang Xian felt this way? Is it wrong? Did he really set aside the feeling of Wang Xian? But this is for the benefits of them, why?

" Tian Bai be ready. I'm a silver  cultivator that is about to reach the golden stage. If I will explode my core towards the two of this people. I'm sure that if they won't die, they will be severely hurt. By that, take gege and mara away from here. Please protect them with all your heart. They are everything I have. "

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