Chapter 44

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The fog is sticking into them, like it's alive forcing itself to enter inside their body. Even though they're cultivator, they still need an air to breathe, so it's impossible for them to hold their breath forever, they must escape.

" Cough, cough! Gigi, my energy is being absorb I can't move my body anymore. I...I....."

The fog is absorbing mara's mana and she can't use her spiritual prowess at all. Because mara is a fox spirit, her senses are superior with others. Thus, she is the one who is affected the most.

Because of the fog, only the voice did yuyu heard.

" Mara hold on " he remembered that inside his space ring, there is a divine bell. So, without further Ado, he summoned it.

The luminescent divine bell, slowly swift the fog away. The golden see through bell envelope the five of them. Protecting them from any possible leak of fog. With the protection of the bell, finally they are able to breathe freely.

When the fog subsided, thanks to the bell. They found mara laying into the ground helplessly.

Yuyu rush in and help mara to sit properly. He infuses his spiritual prowess inside mara to help her gain some strength, so as to examine if there is anything wrong inside her body. Luckily, there aren't any problem other than her exhausted energy and prowess. It's not a big deal at all, she only need to recuperate to replenish it.

" HAHAHHAHAA, I didn't expected that you have something as powerful as the divine bell! Anyway, so long. It's not yet the time to meet each other " The female voice once again rang. Her fading laughing voice is filled with mockery.

" Who might could it be? " Xianlan ponder. Because being an emperor himself, he already have a lot of unknown enemies. Added by the fact that Xia Yu is being hunted. He don't know anymore about who might the target of that woman.

After mara gain half of her spiritual energy. Yuyu then withdraw the bell.

" I also don't know. Seems like we can't enjoy our day without being assassinated. Pity! " Yuyu is kinda disappointed. After all, he thought that he could enjoy his day here today without caring the possibility of being killed.

" Your highness, I have something urgent to say. " One of xianlan's shadow guard appear.

" What is it? "

' What the hell is wrong with these people! Why can't they give me a rest ' both xianlan and yuyu think.

" Your majesty, we detected an approaching tide of beast rapidly rampaging towards our border. The beast is said to be coming from the ' frost forest '."

" Impossible! The frost forest has long been harmonious. But if that's the case, there might be something happening inside the forest, to trigger these beast to gone wild. " Xianlan is surprised upon hearing the frost forest beast rampaging. After all, it's been so long since this forest becomes chaotic.

" There are other case your majesty! According to our observer, the beast is said to be stronger than before. At least equal to a silver and golden cultivator! "

If a hundreds of beast with such power. They can surely destroyed a city if not stop.

" Yuyu, I'm sorry but we must return fast! We need to see the situation to prevent it from entering the city. "

Having no choice, the five of them return with just a flicker of xianlan's sleeve.

When they arrive. The empress dowager already at the meeting hall handling the report from the general.

" Long live your majesty, long live your highness! " Everyone said while lightly bowing their heads.

" Arise! General, tell me about the current situation " being disturb is what xianlan hated the most. Especially with his time with yuyu. So, he isn't in the mood.

" Your majesty, a lot of our soldier are wounded when we tried to stop the tide. The, beast are insanely strong. Judging from their numbers. There is a big possiblity that they might able to break through and enter the city. This general is impotent, please punish me your majesty. "

" General, it's not your fault. Be at ease. What we need right now is to confront the tide, before it will arrive to the boarder. "

" Thank you, you're majesty! Rest assured that I will do my very best . "

After a short plan and exchange thoughts of the minister. The armies leaded by General Qin along with xianlan, mara, Wang Xian, yuyu and Lou wei. They've put up a teleportation talisman. For them to be transferred a few meters away from the galloping approaching beast.

" Gigi, let me try to talk with them. "

Mara is rank as one of the royal blood spirit beast. Therefore, there is a tendency that the beast might listen to her and fight may be  avoided.

Mara take it's original form. A white stunning nine tailed fox sway it's tail upward looking so brilliant and noble.

The fox roared up into the sky showing its power and position. She tried to communicate with the other beast using telepathy. But the beast just considered her existence invisible and still continue running widely towards them.

" Gigi! They aren't listening to me. It's like they are being controlled! "

" Ice termination! " Yuyu tried to slow down their movement. By freezing them. But due to the numbers of beast and their high cultivation, it will only last for a minute before they could set free.

" Slashing hurricane! " Wang Xian unleashed his sword and release a hurricane shape blades that perfectly penetrated and kill those lower beast.

" I couldn't last long! They are so strong to be frozen! " Sweat  cascaded into the face of Xiao Yu.

" Let me! " Lou wei float into sky. A dazzling white lutos appear at her back like a Shadow.

" Enchanting Harmony! " a soothing tone carried into the wind. A calming and harmonic music enter into their sense of hearing.

The beast slowly slow down. But before they could breath a sigh of relief! The spiritual energy of Lou wei, bounce back and she was drop into the ground and throw a mouthful of blood.

" Your highness! They are being protected! My energy was defeated! I'm sorry. " Her white cloths was tarnish by her blood. She wipe the blood in her mouth as she was being help by mara to stable herself.

" Yuyu protect me. I will extract my soul from my body to find the person behind this. By that time, my body will be at state of coma and my consciousness will be temporarily disable. " Xianlan said.

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