Thirteen | Flawless

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How could I be so stupid? I did not even have to say that freaking sentence. I am never going to live this down.

"Yes, we are both lying little bitches. Can we ignore this now?" I roll my eyes at him. I look at my textbook. Maybe if I throw this hard enough at his stupid head he will forget the last five minutes.

I might just start a stupid counter. That is about eight stupids.

"Oh you are never going to stop hearing this from me. Why didn't I find this out sooner, it was so obvious. Did you see how awkward she is when she has to sit next to you?"

He laughs even more, struggling to breath. "Atlas shut up." He doesn't, he chooses to continue laughing at me. "You cannot tell anyone." That got him to shut up. Especially since Atlas cannot keep a secret. He looks me dead in the eye and says. "Only if you come with me to the party."

I am so done with making deals with people. It is worst than placing bets. "Where is the party?" I sigh, biting the inside of my cheek.

"It is on Bleecker Street." Oh fuck me.

"Can I bring Indra?" I ask turning away from him on my spinning chair. Ethan's friends live on that street meaning that for sure Ethan will be at that party. By bringing Indra, it will make him so mad that he's forced to see her even out of the apartment. "Okay." He says without hesitation. "You are obsessed with her." He gets up from the floor, walking to my mess of a closet. "You cannot wear that by the way."

He flips through the clothes. "Do you have any sort of color in here?" He asks.

"Why can't I just wear this?" I ask him, gesturing to the black hoodie I am wearing. "If you are going to a no no party you have to look like a no no boy." He says.

"And what does a no no boy wear?"

"I don't know. You live with one, lets ask him." He walks away from the closet and goes to walk out of my room.

"Atlas don't!"


Atlas is pounding on Indra's dorm door while I stand to the side. "Open up!" He shouts until the door finally swings open, revealing Indra already dressed up in a short navy blue dress. So short that I hope to God that she is wearing shorts underneath, but I don't care what she wears. Damn, does she look good. I can even see the tattoo of a small butterfly just on her lower back.

Actually I can see most of her tattoos. Her crescent moon tattoo by her collarbone, her random tattoos along her right arm. It's hot.

"You also going?" He asks, looking down at her body. "Going where?" She raises an eyebrow at him before she glances at me.

I jerk my chin and slightly wave at her. "To a party. Luke asked if you could come." Her face softens when she looks at me which causes my face to heat up and my heart rate to speed up. She nods and Atlas pushes past her, walking into her dorm. "But first things first. We need to fix him up. Mr. Luke Easton Gambit is going to go from Overdrive boy to a no no boy." Atlas says looking around her dorm.

Her eyes light up like a Christmas tree while Atlas has a unreadable smile. Cannot tell what it is, but it is definitely something. "Aren't you also considered an Overdrive boy." Indra asks Atlas.

He nods quickly before showing off the tattoo of his that matches with the one on my shoulder blade. We were really dumb teenagers. "You don't go to Overdrive anymore." I cross my arms over my chest. "I do when Dylan goes." He defends himself and roll my eyes at him.

"This man got no color in his closet and I do. We got to fix this pretty boy." He says pulling Indra out of her dorm and into the hall. He unlocks his dorm, running inside and rummaging through his closet, pulling out a whole bunch of colorful clothes. "Nope, no, never mind. I rather not go. Nope I am out." I say walking out of the room with my hands up.

Gambit (Obsessions in Overdrive #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin