31 | 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲?

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2015, 𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

Surprisingly, I didn't have a terrible time at the party. I spent the first part of the night watching Steve and Sam play pool, then chatting with them.

I eventually found myself, Clint, and Tony talking about nothing of substance. The boys were telling me about their raid on Strucker's base, while I was chastising Clint for getting hit.

"You know for a guy who claims to see everything, you sure need to watch your six more often." I teased the man, making him laugh.

"You know, kid, I don't remember seeing you out there fighting with us." Clint joked.

I rolled my eyes at him. "That, old man, is up to the boss lady. Try talking to her, I dare you. I got threatened for threatening her, dude!" I told him.

Tony chuckled from beside me. "Oh don't you start." I begged him, which only resulted in him laughing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Flower. You got threatened for threatening Romanoff?" He said, trying to compose himself.

I looked at him. "This conversation is done. I'm going to talk to people who are nice to me. до свидания" (goodbye) I finished, standing up and walking to find Natasha, hearing the boys talking about what I said behind me.

I started walking over to the bar, only to see Natasha and Bruce talking, then Natasha leaving, and Steve talking to Bruce. Having super hearing sounds really nice right about now. I shrugged, and walked away to find Maria.

Maria turned around as I was walking to her, and she met me halfway before engulfing me in a hug.

"Dude, I haven't seen you in so long, where you been?" Maria teased, knowing all to well where I've been.

I snickered, and she ushered me over to a part of the bar. "Oh, you know, dead, dead, dead, did I mention, dead?" I told her as she ordered me a glass of vodka.

"Uh, Ria? Are you trying kill me?" I asked her, eyeing the glass of alchol suspisously.

She shrugged. "Call it an experiement. Drink up." Maria told me, lifting her own glass to her lips.

I looked at her and the glass one more time, before drinking it. It was absoultely revolting. I did not feel anything, even after five glasses.

"Well, Alessia Romanoff, you can't get drunk. Lovely." She stated, making me smile.

Maria and I hung out for a while, before the party started to dwindle down.

Soon, it was nearing midnight. Every other guest except Maria, Rhodey, Helen, the Avengers, and myself had left, leaving us in the lounge. I was sitting against the couch across from Clint, having a foot wrestling match while we ate our Chinese food. Clint was pissed at me because I won, so he "lightly" threw one of his drumsticks at my head. I dodged it, threw it back, and he started spinning them before talking.

"But it's a trick." He slurred, slightly drunk, talking about Thor's hammer.

Thor chuckled, clinking his beer with Steve's. "No, no, it's much more than that." He corrected the archer.

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