Epilogue | Suerte

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Despite their name, the Lasuerte was an unlucky family

The doors to good fortune were always too narrow, too small, or not there at all. Everyday they fought for an ounce of normality in their strange life.

The pendant was their only source of luck but now there was nothing.

The pendant was already dying before Hernando broke it. The glow it once has, had faded in his palm. For the pendant had already granted it's final wish for it's final owner

Sofia Lacuerte. Whom when she was given the pendant, her heart already knew what her wish would be.

And her wish was granted, to keep Y/n safe from her illness, just until she could live life how she desired.

The pendant was almost there, so close to fulfilling it. But even the pendant couldn't escape the family curse.


The town of Encanto gathered as they heard the loud wind storm from the Madrigal house. There they saw what had happened.

Camillo refused to move, refused to let go of his lover. He stayed there, silently weeping. He didn't care if they watched or judged.

He couldn't bare to face the reality written in their faces yet.

He wasn't ready to face their pity.

Two people ran against the crowd. One muddied from the field and the other bruised from the run.

"No....." Eleana whispered as she tried to walk closer but Jacinto stopped her. He feared the boy would act out if they touched him.

Jaime stood wide eyed as he saw Y/n pale as her nightgown. "Who... what happened?" He asked, attempting to keep his composure but his words gave it out.

Jacinto didn't speak, turning to his brother who stared wide eyed at the child he raised.

Jaime felt his fist quiver as he clenched it tight. He grabbed the man he looked up to, stared at him as he held him by the collar.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he yelled his voice breaking as he spoke, Hernando stood there almost lifeless, refusing to answer him.

"Tio, what happened?" Eleana asked him, she ignored the claims. She knew he wouldn't do such a thing. Y/n was his daughter.

But when Hernando didn't answer, Eleana felt her world grow cold.

She kneeled on the ground, she couldn't even bring herself cry. This wasn't real after all. This has to be some dream.

She'll wake up soon and Y/n will be sitting on the table eating arepas. Then she'll invite her to pick up some grapes. Then they'll pick some avocados.

She'll be teasing her about Camillo while they picked mangoes.

Then when night comes, Y/n will knock on her door, pillow clutched tight during a stormy night and ask if she could sleep in her bed.

That's what's supposed to happened.


"Y/n!" Lucia's voice echoed among the crowd. She kneeled by her daughter, Camillo letting go and leaning to his mother's touch. No more tears flowed from his face, only a bare state of shock.

The town could only listen to the lamentations of a mother who had lost her last ray of light. Her husband and her eldest had passed.

Lucia hugged her daughter, hands shaking as she held her. Y/n felt cold as ice.


One week. It was only one week and somehow the town was already back at its feet.

When Camillo still believes Y/n will be knocking on his door any moment.

And at that moment, someone did.

Camillo rushed to the door.

But Y/n was nowhere to be found. Instead, it was Tio Bruno, holding out a letter.

"Jacinto wanted you to have this, they found it in Y/n's room." He said awkwardly before walking out. Camillo flinched at the sound of her name.

It only reminded him that wasn't she gonna knock on the door anymore. 

He refused to open the letter in his room, it would be too horrifying. The room would hold too many bad memories.

He climbed out the window and ran to the mango tree, climbing the tree branch and sitting at the one with the window.

Eventually, he opened the letter.

Dear Amor.

I don't like writing these letters. It sort of confirms what will happen to me but I can't also not write one. Not when I still have so much to say but I don't know if there will be time.

I'm writing this after we fought which I kind of hope you don't remember but I'm guessing you do.

I realized how heartless I've been to you. How it really is uncertain if I'll live longer than I want.

So I just want to say, I love you, Camillo.

And that will never change. Even if you had no gift. Because that's not what makes you Camillo.

A tear fell on the parchment.

So she knew. He thought She knew about what I was feeling all along.

If I do die. I hope I made amazing memories before then. That I was able to make you smile and we would go on many dates. I hope when I close my eyes, I won't be crying. I'll be smiling knowing I spent my life well.

Knowing I now fulfilled the one wish I never thought would come true. To know you as a person, Camillo.

And I did. I must be luckier than I thought I was,

The words stopped there. It wasn't enough. Camillo's heart didn't find what it was looking for. Instead the letter felt like a hammer, striking at the dagger already impaled on his chest.

Even her wishes couldn't come true. She couldn't even have the chance to smile as she passed.

Her life of misfortune was never hidden from him, since they were kids, he saw her constantly cough and fall and faint.

Her childhood was robbed by a curse she didn't deserve, yet she smiled. That was why he loved her. Her smile never lied, it showed true happiness whenever her lips curled upwards.

Her eyes always twinkled when they were together. As if her curse was cured.

Y/n didn't deserve this at all. Camillo thought. She was the strongest person he knew, she made him the happiest person he could be. They were content in each others presence.

But even then they weren't given a chance to be satisfied. Even when all they desired was to sit on a mango tree and talk. The curse built a wall to forbid them from happiness.

It fed them a delusion that they had a chance, that luck was on their side.

Anger seeped into Camilo's veins as he punched the tree trunk behind him.

But Camilo was wrong, Y/n was wrong.

There was no such thing as Suerte.

Well... this is umm... Well I hope you guys had a journey reading this book. I enjoyed writing this for the past few months and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it too.

That is all for this fanfic.


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