Mini chapter

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Camillo and I settled down underneath the mango tree with the food Eleana gave to us. I leaned closer to his shoulder, laying down my head as he munched down the obleas.

I took the time to admire him from where I was, the sun, although not hitting us directly, still provided a soft yellow glow around him. Camillo noticed my silence and turned to me with raised brow.

"You've been silent for a while now. Everything okay?" For some reason the way he says that hurts me inside. The well hidden flaw in his words that showed the deep fear he clearly tried to hide.

I nodded softly, "Yeah. Just thinking about Sofia." I mentioned, hoping that'd change the subject. Camillo caught on and turned to me, ready to listen.

"You never mentioned her before. What was she like?"

"It can be a bummer topic sometimes. Mama doesn't like talking about her and Eleana only talks about the same story of her and Sofia sneaking out to eat a bunch of sweets in the farm but I do remember saying something to her."

"How much I wanted to be like her one day.'" Unfortunately that wish came true. "Sofia was there for only a fraction of my life but somehow I always felt that she was there, I remember her. Did you see those paintings near my room? Those were Sofia's. And the clay pot with sunflowers on the kitchen counter and the clay artwork in the hallway wall, displaying our entire family. Sofia made all of those in hopes of being remembered."

Camillo smiled as I told him this, he waited for me to continue. I sighed happily as I looked out to the warm afternoon, a patch of sunflowers growing near a path to the forest waving hello. "I thought that if I did the same, the reason why I took the job as delivery girl, I'd make my mark and meet her again. But then I met you."

I turned to Camillo, "And you became a reason to fight."

"I'll be right beside you because you became my reason to be me." Camillo said resting his forehead against mine, my heart fluttered just like before when I saw him smile at me at the plaza when I was 11, my love for him never changing since then.

"Anyway, Is it true you're scared of blankets?" I said changing the subject, breaking away and chomping on obleas.

Camillo almost choked on his drink as he turned to me, "Who told you that?!" He exclaimed and I laughed at his reaction.

"Who do you think?" I said with a teasing voice.




"Nope. It was Dolores. I overheard her telling Eleana back then. She said you wouldn't even go near one or be in the same room as one." I said, making Camillo laugh at the memory of his childish fears.

"I got tangled in one and couldn't get out as a kid. Imagine the fear I felt thinking I'll be stuck there forever." He said, I laughed even harder.

"Aww you poor baby" I teased seeing Camillo's ears turn red. I pinched his cheeks making him groan jokingly before I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me down to the ground along with him.

"How about you? You have any embarrassing fears you'd like to share?"

I paused resting my elbow on his chest making him make a sound in pain before thinking of one. I held out a finger, "I used to be scared of mangoes." I said pointing at the sprouting flowers from the mango tree.

Camillo smirked with a brow raised, "Really?"

"Really. A mango fell on my head once and I wouldn't go near one for a year." Camillo chuckled at my confession. His laugh made me laugh again.

"Guess we're both scaredy cats." He said, brushing the hair away from my face. I chuckled before resting my head on his head.

"Suppose we are."

I've been crazy critical with my writing recently and knew I had to take a break to make sense of the plot so that I won't brainstorm writing on the spot. Basically right now my writing is like drawing without a reference. 

So yeah, I'll be uploading mini chapters, like this one that still have relation to the story but not as long or purposeful. Filler, in other words. 

I hope that's alright with you guys. I hope I'll get an idea for this story soon but bear with me for now. 

alrightty, byye noww. 

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