Chapter 12 | Pendant

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Fool me once but never twice.


It has been a few weeks since the birthday celebration and within those weeks I have been seeing yellow eyes. Whether it was in my dreams, in the forest, or even in Camillo's eyes reflecting them. I simply saw them everywhere.

It was terrifying but somehow I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone. The piercing glare they had on me was a enough to tell me I shouldn't tell.

If I did, there was no telling what might happen. I wasn't willing to risk anything, the town has suffered to much already. It was basically a need to have a little peace.

"Amor?" Camillo said, pulling me out of my train of thought. "You've been painting that flower more than once." He said crouching down beside me.

He tucked away hair from my fave, "Everything okay?"

It may have been a few weeks but I still find myself blushing whenever Camillo does this tiny things.

I nodded slowly but Camillo remained facing me. My heart was beating too fast that I instinctively brushed some paint on Camillo's nose.

"I'm fine now stop making me my heart go crazy." I said, Camillo chuckled as he wiped off the paint.

"Glad to know that, Amor." He said with a smirk on his face, holding up a paint brush.

My eyes widened as I got up and ran away from the mischievous shape shifter. "What are you doing." Camillo remained silent, chuckling behind me.

"Camillo." I warned as I ran faster to the grass fields. "Camillo, you better stop or else!" I said but I only heard him laugh from behind.

I chuckled to myself and look forward then my heart dropped and I skid to a halt.

I saw him, well someone. I was sure I did. I saw him right there, behind the trees leading to the forest, and the terrifying part was that I didn't know who it was.

They were piercingly yellow and unearthly dull. His stare felt cold and rooted with so much emotion.

I felt my spine shiver and my hair rise. I rubbed my arms and I fell back slightly.

"Are you alright amor?" Camillo asked when he caught up to me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind me. His warmth was enough to calm me down but those eyes were now stamped on my mind.

"I-I'm fine. Let's go, it's almost lunchtime." I sais, Camillo sighed letting it slide.

"Well then. You're having lunch with me." He said, I turned to him as he laced his hand with mine.

"Whaaaaat. Why?" I asked, Camillo clicked his tongue with a teasing look on his face.

"Nothing! I just thought why not." He said but something with how he said it that made me look at him with suspicion.

Camillo clearly was containing a smile.


Casita looked brighter and livelier than the last I visited. Which was yesterday.

Camillo tugged my arm as he led me inside the house, I was then greeted with the rest of the Madrigal family.

I turned to my boyfriend in confusion as they looked at me with bright smiles. Camillo simply gave me a knowing nod to the kitchen where ingredients for making arepas, empanadas, and many others.

Suerte | Encanto Camilo fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora