Chapter 10.1 | A search for an answer

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Sofia entered Bruno's tower clutching her satchel on one hand and her little sister on the other.

Y/n looked around the sand looking walls as Dolores led them up the stairs, fiddling with her fingers.

They reached the door and knocked. Bruno opened the door and let them in.

He looked at the two girls, "Are you really sure you want to do this. The truth might be too hard to bear for you. Especially..." He looked at the young sickly girl, of around 8 years old, beside Sofia who hid behind her sister's skirt.

Sofia nodded, "Please, Tio Bruno, I need to know how to help her." She said. Bruno looked at his niece standing beside Sofia who only gave him a nod. Bruno sighed and conducted his ritual.

His eyes turned green and the sand covered over them like a dome as his vision began to take place.

A window took form in green framing a mountain before it cracked. It seemed to belong to Casita as the walls cracked around it, revealing a yellow pendant buried in the cement. It fell to the floor and broke into pieces.

Then like glass, the walls of Encanto shattered, revealing a strange ink like man with yellow eyes and a triangular hat walking into town.

Sofia gasped and covered Y/n's eyes, her heart racing faster as every part of the vision began to unfold.

Suddenly the sand faded and twisted into a different story, Sofia was climbing a mountain, high above the walls of Encanto, still intact.

She returned home with a lamp and Y/n was okay. The pendant didn't break but was clutched in her hand.

Then there was another person, someone familiar and grown up, kneeling before Y/n.

No words were read before sand grew darker and Y/n laid lifeless on the bed with the entire Madrigal family crying before her.

Bruno stopped, breathing heavily at such a confusing vision, he looked at the two girls. Sofia more uncertain than before and Dolores clutching on Y/n already in tears.

"Does it mean there's no cure?" Sofia finally said, asking the older man. Bruno stared at the green glass that showed only Y/n lying on her bed. No different path unlike Mirabel's. No change in fate, nothing.

Bruno clenched the glass before throwing it to the side, shattering to pieces. "There must be a way. I'll continue looking for more clues. You two should go to rest." He said Sofia shook her head.

"I can't rest knowing my sister could die. I need to find an answer please, Tio. Can I help look?" She asked and Bruno only nodded.

Dolores took the responsibility to take Y/n home. She picked her up and walked out of the room.

Y/n looked at Dolores, "Why are we leaving?" She asked with a tiny voice. Dolores gave her a tiny smile.

"Your sister needs to do something. How about we play with Camillo instead huh?"

Y/n buried her face on Dolores' shoulder and shook her head at the mention of Camillo making Dolores giggle.

"Come on, he's fun to be with."

She blushed but Dolores walked there anyway.


"Mama, I need to do this." Sofia said, back from the long weeks of searching with Tio Bruno. Her mother shook her head taking the satchel from the girl's hands.

"I will not let my daughter do something so risky. What if you don't come back huh? My heart can only handle so much, Mijita. I can't bear to lose another daughter." Her mother begged.

Sofia's brows furrowed as she swiped the bag back, "Y/n isn't dead, Mama, and I'll make sure to find a cure." She insisted, holding her mother's hands.

"If I don't do this, it lessens the chances of Y/n surviving. I can't imagine a life without her, Mama." She said sincerely.

Her mother wiped the tears from her cheeks and slowly nodded. "Okay, you can go but please, Sofia, return safely." Sofia nodded before running into the rain, the bag close to her heart as she began her journey to find something their family lost.

Something that could save Y/n.

Does this tie in with the truth about Y/n's sickness? Or maybe it ties with the truth behind Sofia's disappearance?

Find out soon in Suerte.

Lol I sound like a tv show commentator. Anyway, this one is kinda short but I kinda felt like it would be cool to add these mini flashback parts to add more to the mystery.

(Edit. Had to reupload because wattpad was tripping)

Yeahh, see you on the next onee


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