They eagerly rushed over and plopped on the bed.

"Your names?" Ahsoka pressed.

"I'm Ruchi," the girl said.

"That's a beautiful name," Ahsoka let a smile grace her lips. Ruchi looked like a miniature version of Pish, except that her facial markings were a little blotchier.

"I'm Odak," the boy said.

Ahsoka smiled at him, too. "That's a nice name." His skin tone was darker and his lekku patterns were sharper than his sister and mother's.

Ruchi started to ask, "What's y–"

"Ruchi, Odak," Pish's voice came from the doorway. "I told you not to bother our guest."

"Mama!" Ruchi protested. "She didn't drive us away!"

"Out," Pish ordered. With hanging heads, Ruchi and Odak left.

"I apologize for their behavior," Pish sighed.

"They didn't bother me," Ahsoka took the bowl of stew she was handed. She consumed it quickly and Pish took the bowl again.

Pish left Ahsoka alone to rest. But Ahsoka felt like her mind was running as fast as hyperspace. Time ticked by as she stared at the ceiling.

The sound of the door whooshing open broke her out of her trance. Ahsoka sat up, looking over at a boy, not much older than her, standing in the doorway.

"Hello," he said in basic, speaking cautiously. "My name is Zardo."

"Hello, Zardo," Ahsoka said in Togruti. "I speak Togruti."

Zardo looked a bit relieved. "My mom said I should come to speak to you."

"About?" Ahsoka coaxed.

"I don't know. She just said we might be friends," Zardo said. "I'm not good with words, Togruti or not."

"I've never been," Ahsoka smiled at him.

So, they tried making what would pass as a conversation. It turned out rather well. Pish had been right. Zardo and Ahsoka made quick friends.

Ruchi and Odak made friends with Ahsoka, too.

Time passed by to drag days into the time Ahsoka spent with Pish's family. Ahsoka's friendship grew with everyone. Ruchi and Odak didn't want to leave her side. Zardo and her ran through the woods behind the house and climbed trees.

One day, Ahsoka ended up at the site where she had been found. Her lightsabers weren't there. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or distressed. She chose relived since the family wouldn't know who she was.

On Ahsoka's sixth day there, a loud knock came at the door. Ahsoka's heart leaped at the sound. Metal on wood.

Pish opened the door, and there stood a tall, dirty-blonde man dressed in robes.

"May I help you?" Pish sounded hospitable, but Ahsoka knew she was intimidated.

"I've been looking for someone... She's a Togruta, about this tall..." he held up his hand, "...with blue markings on her lekku and orange skin with white diamond facial markings. Her name's–"

Ahsoka couldn't hold back anymore. She leaped off the floor, nearly knocking over the block tower she'd built, and hurled herself towards the door.

"Anakin!" she cried, throwing herself into his embrace.

Anakin, though startled, quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"And this is your brother?" Pish asked from behind her.

Anakin released Ahsoka, who nodded and said, "Yes, this is him."

Anakin gave her a questioning look. She ignored him.

"Why don't you stay for supper?" Pish offered. "We have plenty of food to share."

"That's okay," Anakin waved a dismissive hand. "We're late as it is."

"I suppose this is goodbye," Zardo said sadly, appearing at Pish's side.

"Yeah," Ahsoka bit her lip. She didn't know why the sudden feeling of sadness bloomed in her chest and tightened her throat.

Ruchi and Odak ran over and clung to her legs. "Don't go!" they cried repeatedly. "Don't go, don't go!"

"I have to," Ahsoka laughed lightly. "Don't worry, it's always possible that we'll see each other again."

"I hope so," Zardo's voice sounded quiet.

Ahsoka gave him a small nod. Anakin elbowed her softly. She stepped outside of the house with him, waving as the door slid shut.

The two began walking away. Anakin reached for his belt, pulling out a lightsaber. Ahsoka beamed.

"You found my lightsaber!"

"Yeah, but I couldn't find you. Imagine that. I found a lightsaber, but I couldn't find my padawan," Anakin chuckled, though a grim look had blanketed his face.

Ahsoka didn't reply.

"That family you stayed with..." Anakin prompted.

"It was so... peaceful. I didn't have to worry about staying half-awake when I slept in case the Separatists came to attack. I didn't have to wonder if I would still be alive tomorrow or if my friends would live past the next attack," Ahsoka sighed heavily. "I still don't know what a normal childhood is like."

"Don't lose hope, Ahsoka, this war will be over someday," Anakin said.

"Is it worth it, though?" Ahsoka gave him a pleading look. So many have died."

"That's the reality of war," Anakin replied. "It will end someday. There will be peace."

"But at what cost?" 


Word Count: 1,915

Published: Mar. 4, 2022

I am currently watching Star Wars: Rebels. Kanan and Rex are fighting. Again. 

Soooo yeah, I haven't much more to say. 

Bye, peoples!

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