lxvii. calm before the storm

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The air in the Room of Requirement was thick and full of tension while we waited in silence, everyone too scared to talk incase Snape was able to hear us. Harry skimmed over than plan once all of the students had left, explaining what was going to happen when we got a signal.

"Look what my Ron gave me." Fred reached under the neck of his shirt. We were huddled up on one of the hammocks, spending our last few moments of peace together. "It's a lucky charm." He showed me the necklace that had a four-leaf clover pendant hanging off the chain.

"Ron gave you this?" I took the pendant in my hand and inspected it closer. "When did he get the chance?"

"I don't think you'd believe me if I told you."

"Please tell me, I'll go crazy if you stop talking." He thinks for a second, then repositions himself so that his arm is cradled around me, pulling me in closer.

"Do you remember the last Christmas we had at my mums house?"

"Of course, how could I forget." I roll my eyes, remembering the events the took place.

"Well, right before we had our lovely visit from Lestrange and Greyback, Ron and I were having a great conversation."

"No way. You're right, I don't believe you."

"See? Anyway, he gave me this big speech about how he had protected you since your first year and now he was giving you over to me and that you were my responsibility now, and was about to give me the necklace..." He trailed off.

"And then?"

"Then you decided to take on two Death Eaters at once. But since I had just let you run out and I was frozen to the spot, I told him to keep it. He gave it to me when we were in the woods with Hermione and Harry, but I think it's about time I told you."

"Fred... I..." I struggle to think of something to say, something to lift the energy of the conversation.

"You don't have to say anything, it's just something I want to say before whatever happens next." He shrugs half heartedly.

"Fred, nothing is going to happen to us, we are going to go out there and kick some Death Eater butt, and save our friends because that is what we do. The good guys always win." I say softly, kissing him when he doesn't look back at me. We stayed sitting in each others company for another hour or so, until the hammock we were laying on started rocking backward and forward.

"Come on guys, it's time!" George sang to us, peering over the edge. "Seriously though, guys. Everyone's going." We follow the rest of the group out of the doors and through the halls, stopping at the doors of the Great Hall. I stood between the twins, holding onto Fred's hand as tight as I could. When the doors opened for us, Harry was shouting at Snape, standing in front of rows and rows of students.

"Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him!" Harry continued to scream at Snape, who had the blankest of looks on his face. "Tell them!" Snape drew his wand and aimed it at Harry, sending the students flying back and to the ground out of fear and shock. To all the students and teachers surprise, Professor McGonagall put herself between the two, aiming her wand back at Snape. One by one, we all followed suit, threatening to attack Snape at any given moment. McGonagall made her way to him, sending attacks that he deflected back onto the Death Eaters behind him, refusing to attack her in retaliation.

"Coward!" Professor McGonagall screamed at him as he disapparated in a cloud of black. The students erupted into cheers now that he and the other Death Eaters had left the hall, all until a high pitched scream echoed through the hall, followed by a whisper that could be heard in our heads.

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