xxxiii. veritaserum

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Not even 24 hours later, there was a new educational decree, disbanding all student organisations. Umbridge threatened to expel any students that went behind her back with any of the decrees, this put our plans with Dumbledore's army to a halt. Harry still insisted on going ahead with the idea, asking us to try and find a place for us to hold our meetings. 

"Harry, you've got to see this." Neville Longbottom tried to catch his breath, running into the common room where we were all still brainstorming. I follow along with the trio and the twins, wondering where Neville is taking us, when he stops at  bare wall. 

"Neville. This is a wall." I say quietly from the back of the group. 

"No, it'll come. Just wait." He tries to reassure us, moving closer to the wall.

"Um, thanks for trying Neville." Harry turns t walk away when the wall starts to move.

"Harry wait!" Neville calls out. There's now two arched doors replacing the stone wall, he pushes forward and leads us in. Inside, it looks like an empty classroom, with a blackboard, duelling dummies and even some empty desks. 

"You found it, Neville!" Hermione gasps, running into the room. "The Room of Requirement." 

"The what?" Ron steps in hesitantly. 

"The Room of Requirement, it only appears when a person has a need for it, and is always equipped to their needs."

"So... say if someone really needed the toilet?" Ron whispers. 

"Charming, Ronald." Hermione rolls her eyes. "But yes."

"Wow, like magic!" I laugh, walking further into the room to look around. "Do you think it'd have a lie detector if I needed it?" I turn to glare at Fred. 

"You could probably just ask Snape for that." Hermione mutters, oblivious to what I'm speaking about. "Veritaserum."

"Or just trust someone when they're telling the truth." Fred sticks his hands in his pockets, wandering over to me. I keep my eyes on his, looking up as he stands over me. 

"The truth potion sounds safer than that." I whisper, turning and walking away from him. George walks over and takes my place next to his twin. 

"Should I tell her now?" He says, gesturing to me, they're speaking quietly enough so I can't hear them.

"If you think it'd help." Fred sighs, turning to follow us out the room. 

"Clover!" George calls out my name and I hang back sop he can catch up to me, the doors of the room shut and I'm alone with him. 

"What?" I smile.

"Fred is telling the truth." 

"What do you mean?" I cock my head to the side, crossing my arms over my chest. George hesitates and carefully thinks out his next sentence.

"I'm to blame for the whole Angelina thing. I gave her the potion to give to him."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" He thinks for a minute, I get impatient and walk towards the door. 

"Wait! If I get the things for the Veritaserum and brew it..." He thinks out his plan. "You can use it on Fred." I cross my arms again, thinking out the plan. 

"Fine. But I get to watch you brew it, so I know you aren't tricking me. Deal?"

"Deal." He holds out his hand for me to shake, I take it and give it a firm shake, sealing our deal. We exit the room to try and catch up to the group without them knowing. 

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