xxvii. jealous

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Harry didn't end up getting expelled from Hogwarts, however he may as well have. No one other than the Weasleys, Hermione and I would talk to him. Students blamed him for Cedric's death, for their friend's not coming back to school and for their parents worry. He tried to keep his head down when we got off of the train carriage, however Draco locked his eyes on him. 

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter." The blond spat as he shoved his way in front of our group. "Better enjoy it while it lasts. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." He laughs and walks off with Crabbe and Goyle. 

"Just stay away from me!" Ron has to hold Harry back from charging at Malfoy. Harry shrugs Ron off of him and walks ahead of us to the carriages.

"Hi guys." Neville stands next to us, holding a plant, I look over at him and he's beaming. 

"Hi Neville." I smile at him. As another carriage pulls up behind us, Harry jumps back. 

"What is it?" He says quietly. 

"What's what?" Ron asks, looking at the carriage, as usual it's being pulled by nothing.

"That. It's pulling the carriage." He points to the space between us and the carriage. 

"Nothing's pulling it, Harry." Hermione says, concerned for her friend's mental health. Harry stays silent as we walk over to climb on. 

"You're not going mad." A soft, childish voice says from behind an upside down magazine. "I can see them too, you're just as sane as I am." A small blonde girl smiles kindly at Harry. 

"Everyone, this is Loony Loveg- Luna Lovegood." Hermione says as we sit down on the carriage, Neville is staring at the girl in a trance. Our ride to the castle is full of small talk, no one is comfortable enough to delve into any specific topics. 


At the feast I sit down next to Fred and Hermione, filling my plate with the food I missed during the break. I had forced Fred and Ron to promise not to tell any of our friends about my father, creating a tension in the air. Students were still staring at and whispering about Harry, it was more obvious now than it was on the train. Ron sat on his left and there were several spaces left on his right, because no other Gryffindor's  wanted to sit next to him. We were waiting for Dumbledore's announcement and Fred noticed how fast my leg was bouncing up and down underneath the table. He reached down and held my thigh down with his hand, sending chills up my spine. 

"What's wrong?" He whispered into my ear, more chills.

"What? Nothing, I'm fine." I smile at him unconvincingly. He frowns and leans in, wanting me to tell the truth. "This time last year everything was so different, I'm just scared that this year is going to be the same, or worse." I frown back, biting my lip. 

"It'll be fine, we'll just get through it day by day." He gives me a small smile, letting go of my leg when Dumbledore begins his annual speech. 

"Good evening children. Now, to begin Mr. Filch had has reminded me for what seems to be the four-hundred and sixty-second time, that there is an annually updated list of banned items, usually  introduced to us by none other than Fred and George Weasley." Dumbledore begins his speech, the twins stand up and take a bow at the mention of their achievements, there's a scattered applause and cheers across the room. I roll my eyes and pull Fred down by tugging the bottom of his tie. 

"Also, we have two changes in staffing this year. Professor Grubby-Plank, who will be taking the place of Hagrid in Care of Magical Creatures, while he is on... extended leave." He clears his throat before continuing. "Additionally, we have Professor Umbridge, who has kindly agreed to fill the post as Defence against the Dark arts, we wish-" He's cut off by a small cough, the teacher at the end of the staff table stands up. She's dresses head to toe in bright pink. Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape stare at her unaccepting of her presence. She trots over to where Dumbledore is standing and takes his place.

"Thankyou, Headmaster. I thought I'd just say a few words." She chirps, Hermione and I exchange glances, trying not to laugh. "I am here as of the Ministry of Magic's request, under Educational Decree twenty-two, which states that if the Headmaster of Hogwarts is unable to fill any teaching post, the Ministry shall select one for the position. The Ministry has always considered the education of young wizards and witches to be of vital importance. While each headmaster has brought something new to this... ancient school." She pauses and looks at Dumbledore, "Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practises that ought to be prohibited. I'm sure we're going to be good friends." She lets out a chuckle before turning back and heading to  her seat slowly. 

"That's likely." The twins mutter in unison. 

"She was my hearing, at the ministry." Harry leans over the table to tell us. 

"What a nutter, what's that all mean anyway?" Ron mutters, looking at Hermione for answers, and of course she has them.

"It means that the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts." She says, not impressed with Umbridge's speech. We all eat in almost silence, too scared to speak incase there are Ministry spies. I excuse myself from the table once I'm finished eating, and make my way to the common room. I drop onto the couch, next to Fred who's playing Wizards chess against George. 

"Wow, you guys suck." I laugh, watching them play. 

"You're so supportive." Fred mumbles, too busy trying to figure out his next move to look at me. I tuck my legs underneath me and rest my elbow on his back, watching the game from over his shoulder. George gives me a suspicious look, raising his eyebrows when I notice him looking at me. I point to a space on the board that he should move his piece into in order tow win, winking at him. George nods and smirks at Fred, who doesn't know what's going on over his shoulder. Fred makes his lousy move and George takes the win, cheering a parading around the room. I laugh as Fred slouches back into the couch, making me fall into his shoulder. George makes his lap around the room and plants a kiss on the top of my head when he gets back to us. 

"You are amazing, May!" He claps and sits back down. Fred is giving him a death stare and I just smirk. 

"Jealous?" I ask quietly, leaning in so he's the only one that can hear me. He goes to reply when the room goes silent. 

"Jealous? Never." He says loudly, filling the room back up with noise, I let out a small giggle as his face goes as red as his hair, and realise everyone is staring at the doorway. I turn around and see Harry walking in awkwardly. Seamus Finnigan slams his newspaper down on a table, standing up and getting in Harry's way.

"Me mum didn't want me to come back this year."

"Why not." Harry sasses back.

"Well, um, lets see... because of you. The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you, Dumbledore too." Seamus replies, a group of Gryffindor's stand behind his, glaring at Harry. 

"What, your mum believes them?"

"Well, no one was there the night Cedric died." Seamus says, I sit up in my seat and go to stand up, Fred holds me down. 

"Well I guess you should read the Prophet the like your stupid mother." Harry starts to yell.

"Don't you dare talk about me mother like that." Seamus yells back.

"I'll have a go at anyone that calls me a liar." Harry says, stepping closer to Seamus. Ron bursts through the door, with some food in his hands. 

"What's going on?" He looks at the two fighting in the middle of the common room, with a crowd.

"He's mad, do you believe the things he's been saying about You-Know-Who?" Seamus points at Harry. 

"Yeah, I do." Ron stands up for Harry. "Anyone else got a problem?" He he drags his eyes round the room and follows Harry up to their dormitory. Conversation slowly starts to fill the room again, breaking the very awkward silence. 

"What were we talking about." Fred lets go of his tight grip that was keeping me from attacking Seamus. I turn back to curl up in the corner of the couch. 

"Um... we were talking about how jealous you are." I bite my bottom lip and grin at him, twirling a strand of my hair with my fingers. 

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