xlvi. birthday celebrations

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I know I didn't explicitly tell anyone about my birthday, except for Molly last night, but a small, small, insecurity-riddled part of me had secretly hoped that everyone knew. Walking back down the stairs, I trailed my hand down the rail, rounding the corer and into the kitchen. It was weird for the house to be completely empty, even if I did wake up late. There was always someone else here. They'd have to have known I have a birthday. I don't just magically age during the holidays. At least that's what I told myself while I made myself a cup of tea, thinking about my conversation with Molly less than 8 hours ago. 

"Tomorrow's going to be a busy day for us all." She said, and yet, there was nothing busy going on in the house. I leant against the counter, my eyes flicking from the clock, to outside the window, to the clock, and then back to the window. I don't even realise that I've finished my tea, and that I'm just sucking down air from the mug. With a deep sigh, I run the tap and wash the mug, then turn to put the breakfast dishes away. So they were here at some point today. I think to myself, heading up the stairs to Ginny's bedroom. I grab the nicest clothes I can find in my trunk, just because no one else was going to celebrate, doesn't mean I can't. I make my way up to a bathroom and get into the shower. I take as long as I want, letting the hot water turn my skin red, kind of stinging my scars, but not making it unbearable.

 Deep in thought, I let out a very small laugh, basically a scoff. Even if I was with at my home for my sweet 16th birthday, this day would probably be going the exact same way. I hear commotion through the floor, telling me that there is someone home. I get out of the shower and dry myself, wrapping my hair up in a towel since I wasn't allowed to use magic to dry it. I slip into the short, floral sundress that I picked out before, and apply a little amount of makeup, still wanting to flaunt my natural features. I let my hair down and try to style it, still damp. Giving up, I make my way down the stairs again, this time seeing all of the Weasleys, and Hermione and now Harry, rushing around the kitchen, trying to organise something. They don't even notice me walk past them to sit on a couch, I lay my legs on the arm rest and watch them from a distance. My eyes land on Fred, who's hands are in his hands, his face reveals that he's stressed out. He snatches a balloon from Ron.

"No. It has to go here." He snarls, the stress is making him easily frustrated, along with all of the noise. Arthur stands bac and looks at each o the balloons with amusement, taking some in his hands and inspecting them.

"Incredible." He mutters to himself, a grin fixed permanently on his face. Harry and Hermione have to tug at the strings attached to get them away from him, but he focuses on a new thing now. 

"How long until they realise you're sitting here watching them." A voice says in my ear. I turn my head and see George crouched down next to me watching them all, just as amused as I am. 

"I don't know, I think it'll be a while." I whisper back, keeping my eyes on Fred, who's biting his lip. We stay still, watching them all panic together. A few minutes later, there's presents wrapped with bows, balloons, streamers, even a chocolate cake, all spread out for me. They all line up and train their eyes on the stairs, probably waiting for me to make my way down. George makes his way over to stand with them, and I take to opportunity to walk behind him, hidden from their view. 

"What are we waiting for?" I announce, lining next to them, staring up at the stairs with them. Their heads all snap to me, some of them are distraught, some are startled, but Harry just looks tired. Poor guy, they probably kidnapped him at the crack of dawn. 

"Happy birthday!" Fred says, wrapping me in his arms and lifting me into the air. Everyone else follows suit, cheering for me. Fred sits me down on a seat in front of them all, and places a party hat on my head. He falls back into the line as they all start singing Happy Birthday to me. I keep the smile on my face and stare at Fred, who still looked stressed out and nervous. After I blow the candles out they all join me by sitting down, shoving their presents at me. I try my hardest to hide how overwhelmed I am by it all, and try to steady my breath. I look for Fred's hand to hold, but its tucked neatly into his lap, he's watching me expectantly. I open the presents one by one, there's more than I could've ever imagined. I make sure to gush and say thankyou's for each one, admiring them in my hands. Once the hype has died down, everyone returns back to their usual day-to-day routine, with Harry filling Ron and Hermione in on his holidays and whatever Dumbledore has him up to now. 

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