xii. the goblet

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It took a while for everyone to settle in the Great Hall for the feast, it felt comforting to put on my robes, after the hectic week I had just had with my friends. I sat at the Gryffindor table, with my friends, away from Cedric, but still keeping my eye on him. Everyone was still whispering and murmuring about the arrival of a ship, as well as carriages pulled by winged horses. Dumbledore eventually started to give his welcome speech.

"Welcome all, to another year at Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I must start off tonight's feast with an announcement. This year, we will be playing host to not only our students but to some special guests as well. Hogwarts has been chosen-" The door of the hall slams open and Filch starts running. Dumbledore stops and everyone watches the man, some start to giggle, Fred and George let out wolf whistles, making everyone laugh a little bit. Filch leans into Dumbledore and whispers. He turns back around and runs out of the hall.

"Sorry about that, where was I?" Dumbledore taps his hands together. "Ah, yes! Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event... the Triwizard Tournament." There are excited gasps and whispers across each table. He goes on about the dangers of the tournament, and the risk of entering. "But, for now let me introduce... the lovely ladies of The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" He announces, the doors fly open and everyone spins to watch. A group of teenage witches gracefully waltz out in powder blue uniforms. The boys all stare as the girls lean back and sigh, before making their way to the front of the hall. Their headmistress walks out and she's one tall lady. Hermione and I stare at the boys, unimpressed by their reaction.

"This is how you look at Cedric." She whispers and I elbow her side. Even Ginny turns to us with her face screwed up, as the girls let out a final sigh and bluebirds flutter around them. Everyone starts to cheer and clap for them, the boys more enthusiastic than the girls.

"And now! Our friends from the north, the proud sons of Durmstrang!" Dumbledore announces. We turn our heads back as a large group of men walk out, banging sticks on the ground in a beat. Hermione and I stare at them, similar to how the boys behaved. These wizards looked a lot older than anyone at Hogwarts, stronger even.

"That's him! That's him!" Ron sounds just as excited as the girls, as a handsome, brawny man walks out, dressed in fur. "That's Viktor Krum!' He shakes Harry's shoulders.

"Krum?" There's a few whispers, but it's mostly silent as Viktor walks through with his headmaster. Dumbledore lets the feast begin and everyone starts eating, talking about the two groups that just arrived.

"Harry, Ron, did you see them girls?" George nods his head over to the Beauxbatons table.

"More like did you see Krum?" Ron says back, still in disbelief that his idol is sitting just a few feet away.

"Wow, you really are in love with him." I make fun of him.

"Are you kidding me? Of course, look at him!" He gushes. I look over at Cedric, a few tables way and see that he's eyeing up the tall statue in the front of the room, he looks unusually serious, at least for Cedric. After half an hour of eating and talking, Dumbledore called back for our attention again. He begins a spiel about the tournament, emphasising the danger of entering, he walks up to the statute and places a hand on it.

"Wicked." The twins say in unison, I can practically see them thinking about entering.

"We have Mr. Bartemius Crouch, to further explain the implementation of a new rule." A tall man steps out and we all instantly recognise him, he's the one that blamed Harry for conjuring the dark mark at the world cup.

"After due consideration, the Ministry has decided that for their own safety..." Barty Crouch takes a deep breath. "No student under the age of 17 shall be able to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament, this decision is final." He says, the end of his sentence drowned out by the angry yells and complaints y the students.

my best friends brother - fred weasleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora