xliii. department of mysteries

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"Department of mysteries." The elevator rang out, stopping at a dimly lit hallway. All of our trust is in Harry, who's blindly leading us down the hallway, trying to recognise anything from his vision of Sirius. He stops us at a door at the end of the hallway, turning it's golden doorknob nd leading us all in.

"This is it." He says to himself, looking down the room. As we step in I see hundreds of rows of shelves, all stacked with thousands- probably millions- of globes of all sizes. Taking a deep breath, all I can smell is dust and stale air, there are no signs of life down here. With our wands lit we slowly make our way forward, trusting Harry to find what he's looking for soon. Luna and I start a game of trying to step on every second tile, then we start counting the tiles, then trying to find the biggest globe on the shelves we pass.

"Harry, this ones got your name on it." Neville points to a globe that Harry has to stand on his tiptoes to grab. He listens intently while the rest of us watch, our attention being caught by a cloaked figure in the distance.

"Harry..." I start, trying to get him to look as well.

"What is that?" Ginny whispers to us.

"More like who is that?" Ron mumbles, the figure making it's way closer.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry demands, the figure a few feet away from the group.

"You should really learn how to tell the difference between dreams and reality." They draw their wand and remove their silver mask, revealing Lucius Malfoy. We all take a step back, shocked to see Draco's father. "You only saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Hand me the prophecy." He sneers at Harry, holding his hand out.

"You do anything to us, and I'll break it." Harry fights back, triggering a cackle from behind Lucius.

"Now he knows how to play!" A tall, dark haired woman, who's skin is so pale it's almost translucent, comes into our view, her crazy eyes hinting at her mental state. "Itty, bitty baby. Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville stutters out of fear. Her eyes dart to him, a wide grin crossing her face, showing her broken, rotting teeth.

"Neville Longbottom is it? How's mum and dad?" She jokes.

"Better now they're about to be avenged." He grips his wand, ready to attack. Harry has to hold him back from lunging at the pair in front of us.

"Now, let's all just calm down. All we want is that prophecy." Lucius says, inching further towards us.

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?-" Harry is cut off by Bellatrix's screech.

"You dare speak his name, you filthy half-blood!" Lucius has to to hold her back.

"Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made." There's a gust of wind from around us as more figures with silver masks and black cloaks surround us. I have to grab onto Ron's sleeve to stop myself from falling back. "Haven't you always wondered the reason for the connection you have with the Dark Lord? Or the secret behind your scar? All you have to do is give me the prophecy and all your questions will be answered." Lucius keeps heading towards Harry.

"I've waited 14 years, I can wait a little more. Now!" Harry signals for us all to attack. As we throw our spells, Death Eaters disappear in black clouds, flying through the room as we run. We get split up, trying to dodge the Death Eaters as the appear before us. Ron drags me though by my sleeve, skidding over corners and throwing spells behind us.

"Confringo!" I yell at the Death Eater that's lurching forwards to grab my ankles, they're sent flying back before evaporating into their dark fog. Suddenly Ron stops, sending us both backwards, meeting the rest of the group on the ground. I notice that Luna has a bloody nose and that Ron is already helping Hermione to her feet. Turning around, several Death Eaters fly towards us.

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