xx. testing limits

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As per usual, some of the Gryffindor girls organised a post-challenge celebration for Harry. A rumour had been spread, by the twins themselves, that this party was going to be bigger than the last one. They had secretly spread around flyers to students, promising good music, drama and extra-strong butter beer. Only for 6th and 7th years. 

"Why are you giving these to us?" I ask, waving it around.

"Well, you guys are the prime focus of this challenge, you all should get to celebrate as well." Fred smirks at us. 

"You realise you two are going to get us all expelled?" Hermione warned when they gave her the flyer. We sit in a small row boat with the twins, Harry and Ron.

"How dare you insult us like that, Hermione." George clutches his heart.

"Do you really have no trust in us, Granger?" Fred joins in, Hermione rolls her eyes in response. All of us who were in the water are still shivering, hugging the towels close to our bodies. We can barely speak, our teeth chatter so much.

"Fred, I think they're a bit cold." George says, looking over our heads to his twin.

"I think you're right, George." Fred agrees, "It'd be a shame if we were to..."

"Rock the boat? I think it would." The twins start swaying side to side, making the small wooden boat shake, I hold onto the side for my dear life and Hermione squeezes her eyes shut  A high pitch scream is heard and the boats sways come to a stop, Ron continues to squeal. We all look at him in shock, beginning to laugh. 

"Shut up. That was scary." Ron mumbles, clearly embarrassed. He stays quiet for the remainder for the return trip. Once we get back t the small dock, everyone gets off and I reluctantly follow, holding tightly onto my towel.

"M'lady." Fred playfully bows, holding out his hand for my to take.

"Good sir." I curtsy back and grab onto it tight, trying my hardest not to stumble. Barty Crouch whisks Harry away from us, we continue walking to Hagrid's hut, for our own private celebration, before the big party.


The smell of the spring flowers in the Forbidden Forest was strong and almost suffocating. Harry had joined us again, all walking through the forest with Hagrid who's reminiscing about when he first met us all. We're quite spread out, dodging trees and hanging branches, but we're still able to hear each other. I'm walking at the back of the group, a few steps behind George and Fred.

"You were all the biggest bunch of misfits, and jokesters, that I'd ever set my eyes on. Reminded meself of me when I was little. And here we all are, 4 years later."

"Hey!" The twins remind him of their presence.

"Sorry, 6 years later." He corrects himself for them.

"And we're still a bunch of misfits." Ron laughs.

"Well, yes. But we've all got each other, and Harry of course! Who is soon to be the youngest Triwizard Champion there's ever been!" He shouts, sending birds flying out of the trees by the volume of his voice. I look over to Harry, who's wandering far in front of us all by himself. Hagrid and Hermione start to sing the Hogwarts song. Harry interrupts them by shouting.

"Hagrid! It's Barty!" He points to a body lying on the ground. All of the cheer drains out of us as we all sprint over.

"Oh my word." Hagrid gasps. "'es dead." He pushes us out of the way. "Fred, George you take them back to your common room. I'll get Dumbledore." He whispers over our heads as we stare at the lifeless body. They have to drag us by our arms to get us away, we all walk in an awkward silence, since no one has the energy to try and start a conversation. We get into the castle and we all come to a slow stop. 

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