xlvii. surprise

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Leading up to our return to Hogwarts, Fred started disappearing during the day. He said it was 'special business' and that I shouldn't worry, that I have more than enough company at The Burrow. Which was true of course, I didn't spend a minute alone. From Harry telling us all the Dumbledore and Hogwarts gossip. Hermione revealed to us that her parents did want to send her back, and Molly flipped out the day after my birthday. Things were similar to last year, with parents afraid of You-Know-Who's return and how that would play into Hogwarts. And Ron revealed, only to me, the blossoming feelings he had for Hermione.

"She's got those eyes, y'know?" He sat, hugging a pillow. We were sitting in the lounge room late at night, waiting for the twins to get home. 

"I have noticed that she has eyes." I nod along, sitting in an armchair across from him. 

"But they're like... her eyes." He says in amazement. 

"Who are you and what have you done with Ron?" I laugh. 

"Shut up, I have to tell someone about it. Harry's useless, I can't trust my family and I cannot tell Hermione." He rolls his eyes at my question.

"Can't trust us?" George appears from behind the wall, walking in with Fred.

"That's a bit rude. We are your family after all." Fred continues for him, beelining or me. In one swift motion, he scoops me up in his arms and sits in the seat, laying me in his lap with my arms around his neck. He places loud and wet kisses all over my face and neck, making me squirm. It's become a night time ritual since he's been disappearing. 

"Ew, can you at least wait for us to leave the room." Ron whines, slapping his hands over his eyes. 

"Come on Ronnie, when are you gonna get a girlfriend?" George pokes at him.

"Shut up, I'm working on it." 

"No he's not, he's too scared to tell her." I interrupt them, Fred's head snaps up from my neck. 

"So there is a girl." He smirks at George, who has the exact same expression. 

"Go on, what's her name?"

"Her age." 

"Where's she from?"

"Her star sign?"

"Her blood type?"

"What's her favourite scary movie." The twins taunt their brother. Flashbacks from the first day of our third year come racing back, remembering how I pretended to have a boyfriend, embarrassing. 

"Leave him alone." I laugh, grabbing Fred's head and putting to mine, making him shut up. "He can't help that he's shy."

"What's going on down here?" A vice says from the top of the stairs, we all snap our heads to look at who it is, Harry and Hermione stand at the landing of the stairs, staring down at us. Ron's being cradled in George's arms, and Fred is still relentlessly kissing me all over. It'd be a weird sight for anyone. 

"Nothing!" Ron struggles to get out of George's grip, wrestling around. I don't say anything because I don't have any excuses, I just start kissing Fred back. 

"Get a room, would you?" Harry walks closer, sitting on the ground. 

"Yeah, you two!" Fred yells while I kiss his face. Everyone starts their own conversation, letting us have our time together. 

"Book lists came today." I look at Fred, playing with his tie. "I think we're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow."

"Really? Then you'll find out the secret." he smiles, knowing that I've been itching to find out what he's doing. 

my best friends brother - fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now