I glanced at Mitchell quizzically, I had no idea who she was but it seemed she knew me.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The woman extended her hand. "I'm Kelsey Campbell, nice to finally meet you."

Realization dawned down on me, it seemed I forgot all about Kelsey Campbell or I just didn't expect to hear of her again, let alone meet her. I didn't know how I felt about her, she seemed overly friendly with Mitchell but he also said they shared nothing but a platonic relationship.

Then why was she here for over ninety minutes?

I blinked away my thoughts and plastered on a small, forced grin as I extended my hand. "Mila Brinson."

"Did you say Brinson?"

I nodded in response.

"I might be getting ahead of myself here but you don't happen to know Damien Brinson?"

I half shrugged and wasn't surprised that a lot of people, like Kelsey Campbell, knew Dad. "I just call him Dad."

"Bloody hell," Kelsey choked. "You're Damien Brinson's daughter?" Her eyes found Mitchell and she slapped his arm, "You didn't tell me you're dating a Brinson."

Mitchell cleared his throat and spoke nonchalantly. "I didn't think it was important, besides," Mitchell pulled me closer to his side. "Whatever her last name, she's just Mila to me."

"Of course," Kelsey agreed. "I apologize for reacting that way but my dad was once very good friends with Uncle Damien."

I don't know what surprises me more that she calls Dad uncle or that he had friends.

"Uncle Damien was a great comfort to me and Dad when my mom passed." Kelsey wore a distant grin as she reminisced. "I honestly had no idea he even had kids. Just goes to show what a small world we live in. When you see him, do tell him I said hello."


I had nothing against Kelsey but after I heard how Dad showed her some kind of affection as a kid while I got nothing, stirred an even more bitter feeling towards her. I knew it was childish and awful of me but the little girl in me who craved her father's affection couldn't help the way I felt.

"Well," Mitchell broke the brief silence. "I will call you Monday morning to finalize what we discussed?"

Kelsey smirked and wiggled her brows. "Mr. Clarke has entered the chat." She straightened her shoulders and stared sternly at Mitchell. "Yes, you will, I just need to discuss everything with my team and we can get to work."

Work? Is that why she's here?

"Anyway," Kelsey clapped her hands together. "It was lovely to meet you, Mila. I hoped we could've met in a less... formal way but we should all get together for dinner sometime to catch up."

Yeah... no thanks.

I smiled in response and extended my hand for her to shake. "Nice meeting you too."

Kelsey nodded and tapped Mitchell's arm. "I'll talk to you first thing, Monday."

Mitchell nodded. "I'll walk you to the elevator."

"No need for formalities, I can find my way. I'm sure you want a moment with Mila." Kelsey smiled my way and she did a once over of me. "You look simply adorable in scrubs; I can see why Mitch is so smitten."

I found her words a little odd and wasn't sure if she complimented or insulted me. I was many things but adorable was not an adjective I would've used to describe myself. "I suppose an outfit covered in germs, bacteria, and viruses is cute these days," I humorlessly grinned and Mitchell's immediately pulled his hand away.

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