152 - The Second Kato

Start from the beginning

"Hm?" I turned around, looking towards an average-height but very trained person. You could see the muscles from his tight shirt which was absolutely meant to show them off. He had worked on his body for years, no doubt. "Who are you?"

Everybody in the cafeteria turned towards us, looking at the scene in anticipation.

"My name is Daki Yororu!" He declared. "I'm the new genius First-Year!"

"Oh, I've heard of him." Iris muttered. "He's apparently prophesied to be the best new Adventurer-In-Training this year. Last year was Erica, and before was Bianca. They call him a prodigy like those two."

"I'm no prodigy..." Erica modestly laughed, rubbing the back of her head.

"He trains a lot. Like me." Bianca added.

"Mhm-Hm, cool. So what's a first year doing here?" I questioned while munching on my handmade bento which Irene and Iris made. Those two were quite the good cooks. "Thought all of you got a break."

"Only weaklings do." Scoffed Daki. "I didn't need the break, as I'm going to be the new king of this school."

The girls glanced towards each other, obviously annoyed by this random guy.

"Okay, so why are you telling this to me?" I questioned.

"I'm here to challenge you!" He declared, pointing towards me. "I keep hearing 'Ken Kage' this, 'Ken Kage' that. About how you are so strong, so popular with the ladies, and so amazing. I'm here to prove them wrong."

"I'm the king? Awesome." I yawned. "You've had your Arcana for barely any time. Scram."

"Are you afraid?" He cockily smirked.

The girls shot deadly flares towards him, and even Aoi seemed annoyed. I think I saw Yui possibly reach for a knife up her sleeve.

I sighed. Slowly I stood up, walking over to him and standing in front of him. While he was more muscled, I also had quite the body. I had also grown taller and leaner through this past year, and I was a full head taller than him.

"I was one of Legacy High's three students to be chosen for last year's Snow Festival, and I was a First-Year. Do you know what you're getting into?" I questioned.

Obviously he didn't, with how many things I've done throughout this year.

"Oh, I know." He smirked. "Say goodbye to your tournament spot."

What an idiot.

I looked towards the crowd of people which had created a fairly decent circle. "Hey, one of you get this on camera. I'm not risking being framed."

"Okay!" Multiple students pulled out their phones, focusing them on us.

"You can use your Arcana if you want." I stated. "But I'm not going to. I'm going to show you who you've just provoked, as a message to you and everyone else in this school."

"Your mistake." He stated.

The two of us backed away from each other. In his hand he summoned a long spear which also seemed to double as a flag with the cloth at one end.

"This is my A Rank Arcana, the legendary Mars." He grinned. He dragged the tip across the ground as we circled each other in a lame attempt at intimidation.

"Cool, cool." I replied. "So, knock-off god of war, eh?"

"Excuse me?!" Growled Daki.

"Let's get this over with." I sighed, cracking my neck and fists. I got into a stance, giving him the come here motion. "Come on."

I glanced towards the people behind me. "Back up a little, I doubt he knows how to properly use a pole. After all, there's no way a guy like this has bitches."

The people behind me snickered, boys and girls alike.

"That's it!" He yelled, running towards me with his spear. He twirled it in a series of expert movements, sending a stab towards me.

Shifting my body, I let the spear pass by my chest. Instead of taking the opening like I could, I decided to sit back a little bit more and analyze. Let my Tier 4 Copycat do some work again after so long.

He was actually quite experienced with the spear. I'm fact, I'd say that he is probably as good as Bianca was as a first year with the spear, which is impressive. His cockiness isn't grounded in nothing, however he greatly overestimates himself.

And greatly underestimates me. This'll be fun.

I analyzed his movements, imprinting the style into my mind. It wasn't like Bianca's, which was extremely graceful and only went for vitals. It was more similar to Stryker's, which focused on hitting as much as possible, no matter what the place. A more brutal kind of style, not nearly as beautiful as Bianca's movements.

His spear continued to try to strike at any opening that I'd give, but I easily moved out of the way of each one. I was quicker than him.

"Stop dodging you coward!" He yelled.

I continued to antagonize him a little more by continuing to dodge, waiting for him to slip up and give me the perfect chance. And then I saw it. As he got irritated his movements were slightly off.

"Stop running away!"

I quickly rushed into his guard, his spear flying over my shoulder. I slammed my fist up his stomach, behind him over my punch. He stumbled backwards, and before he could recover I sent a punch to his face.

Blood dripped down his nose as I sent another fist into his face, and another. After a couple punches, he stumbled back as blood dripped down his nose and lip.

He glared at me, clutching his nose with one hand. His spear suddenly lit on fire, with a vibrant, raging red. He ran towards me, sending his spear towards my jugular.

I ducked under, falling to the ground as I planted my hands against the floor and pushed my feet upwards. My foot kicked the spear out of his hand in a flip. The fire from the spear disappeared mid-air.

Landing on my feet, once again I was thankful for using Copycat on Lily's gracefulness. As the spear fell back down I grabbed it with one hand, kicking Daki in the shin with my foot.

He fell down onto one knee. As I fully gripped onto the spear with both hands I elegantly twirled around, leaving the sharp edge of the spear against his own throat.

He weakly looked up to me, furious. "You arrogant bastard..." He growled.

"That's the thing; there's a fine line between arrogance and confidence." I stated. "Arrogance is overestimating yourself. Confidence is knowing the full extent of your abilities. And I'm not the arrogant one here."

I threw the spear onto the ground, letting it clatter with a loud sound.

"Don't. Mess. With. Ken. Kage." I stated with a grin, before turning around and heading out, the girls starting to follow me. "Have a good day, folks."

"Wow, he's so cool!"

"That's our king!"

"Showed him who's boss!"

"That was amazing!"

I looked over to Aoi was we exited. "After school I want to take you around the city, but we'll also have another guest. Is that alright?"

Aoi nodded.

I hadn't actually introduced Xena to Aoi yet, since Principal has been taking care of her. Guess the time is now.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now