I drove to the hospital and Valeria was crying, my hands were trembling on the steering wheel. I couldn't stop crying, the tears kept coming. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have let him come with me. It was a mistake. All of it.

The hospital was not far away, only like ten minutes. I didn't know quite where I was going because I've never been in this part of Archers Ville really.

I rocked Rosen around and tried to think of what to do . I don't want her in the hospital with me. I have to call Kayden.

I called his phone, it rang a couple times before I heard a faint hello.

"I need your help"


"And what the fuck where you thinking?" He yells as soon as I close the door to the room where Rosen is asleep. He had come down with Ansel and they were both furious. We got a hotel from the hospital. Kayden went to the hospital and got word he's still in surgery.

"I wasn't and I'm so so sorry, I just couldn't wait any longer knowing where Rosen was-"

"You're so selfish!" The volume of his voice made me flinch and take a step back. I get he is upset and his anger is justified but something about Kayden has been off. When him and Ansel first got here he went straight to the hospital. He was very upset after that.

"I'm sorry I was putting my child first. But I didn't ask Jovian to take a bullet for me." I crossed my arms and started walking away from Kayden. Ansel was in the hotel with Rosen.

"You didn't have to fucking ask him!! You knew he would! It's obvious he's loyal to you! Why would he even do something so dumb?" I swung around walking backwards slowly. "so what you'd rather me and Val get harmed instead?"

He shook his head "That's not what I said. I'd rather you use your fucking brain for once you fucking dumbass. Jules grow the fuck up and stop acting like the world revolves around you, yeah maybe I wish it was you who was shot so you'll fucking learn! You'll learn to stop doing dumb shit and sitting around and acting like a victim. Okay I get you were raped, abused blah blah I've heard the fucking sob story like a broken record. It's over, it's old shit get over it! And you sit here and project your negative energy on other people. Do you understand how hard it is to practically be a parent to you?!? No you don't because you killed the only parents we had! You did it! You did every single fucking bad thing to yourself. So don't go around trying to make me seem like the bad guy when you need to get your fucking head out of your ass and Grow up! Grow up and be a fucking mother to your child, or else Rosen will grow up half as messed up as you are if not more." He finished in a breath. A couple of tears fell from his eyes.

"Kayden-" I tried to swallow down the harsh feeling in my throat.

"No! No, I'm done. Jules I'm so fucking done. This is me walking out of your life, Don't call me when shit goes wrong." And there was none left. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath- when closing my eyes I saw mom's face that night.


Three hours it's been three hours and we haven't heard anything. Two hours since Kayden walked out on me. His words have been swarming through my head. He knew about the things that happened to me, and he blames me for them. In some predicaments it was my fault a lot of it . In others well- he's probably right. I couldn't sleep, when I closed my eyes I saw Matt's pale face. The way he looked at me in his final moments. How can you love someone who's caused you nothing but harm? Why am I mourning over his loss?

If anything I should throwing a fucking party. But I can't feel anything but emptiness in a way. I feel bad just sitting here. Most dead people have a funeral. Do these circumstances change? What happens to bad people once they're dead? Do they get a funeral or do people celebrate? The police notified his family that he's dead. It's only a matter of time until they find me. And then they find Rosen and just like that a shit show.

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now