The issue is, I grew out of the emotions I had for her by the middle of junior year. Since then I've been stuck in a dilemma because I don't want to hurt her. Sure I don't like the girl but I still care for how she feels. Every time I get close to just telling her she smiles at me or says something cute and I can't bring myself to crush her.

It's a little ironic since we aren't even dating.

'You need to start liking someone else so it hurts less when I leave.' I look at her but she just laughs shaking her head. Please pick up the hint Lilah.

'No need. You're here right now aren't you?' Fuck picking up the hint, she completely missed it.

It's not like they was anything wrong with Lilah to begin with, she was gorgeous. Her hair was always a soft bright blonde with light green eyes to go with it, light freckles are scattered perfectly across her nose. She does have them on more concealed parts of her body but that's unimportant. No matter how you looked at her she never looked bad and she's such a sweet girl. Besides what people say about her she actually had a heart. She loves to love.

I just wished I realized that sooner and I appreciated it. Because things went downhill immediately after I realized my whole attraction to her was rooted in sexuality. Our personalities just wern't compatible even when I try and force it. Unless I'm in her, we don't click and I feel like that's an issue. It's why I keep putting off getting into an actual relationship with her. I can't date her. I feel like that would be selfish on my part.

'Go to class. I can't keep having you fail because of me.' I really can't allow it. It's bad enough that I'm not straightforward but risking her grades too? I can't do that to her.

'Colton,' he says my name moving closer into me. 'You're alone in here so let me stay with you.'

Biting back any urges I focus on just her face, avoiding looking at her cheer uniform I it would change my mind. Of course it would. You're a horrible person Colton. I hope you know that.

'You've seen me. Talk later okay? I wanna focus on my session if that's cool with you,' I chicks before cupping her face with my hands. Hoping it would subdue my guilt, it doesn't.

She finally agrees to leave letting me get back on court as I spend the rest of my time left practicing.

The bell soon goes making me groan in annoyance as I make my way out the gym. I barely had any time to actually do anything worthwhile. Heading down the hallway I watch people exit the classrooms as they make their way to their assigned lockers.

Spotting Katie I direct myself towards her. Watching as she unlocks her locker door I shut it before she can get anything out. She slowly reopens her locker keeping her eyes on me.

'Hey.' I greet her but she stays silent looking up at me she seemed astonished to see me, which is fair since I never speak to her. Especially not at school. I don't want people to get the wrong idea and stir more shit. 'Colton cheats on his girlfriend again but this time it's with his best friends sister! How scandalous.' Shivering at the idea of if I bring myself back to this current situation.

Looking around I then look back at her trying not to laugh, 'are you still a virgin?' Pausing it occurs to me how forward that question was. It sounded more appropriate in my head.

Feeling like I owe her a little bit of an explanation to my question, I give her once. 'I mean...Damon texted me that he was going home early because Jacob ditches their plans. Ended up doing a quick location check on him because I was curious and I we do it a lot with each other. Issue is I saw Noah at your house. When Damon arrived he was out of there.'

'I thought it was weird since where alone according to Damon.' Still looking at me this time the confusion is gone, replaced with embarrassment.

'We didn't do anything.' she almost whispers turning her body to me completely so she's facing me instead of her locker, 'he wanted to but I kicked him out.'

'Atta-Girl!' I praise her. I can't help but feel relived to know that I was wrong. Seeing a smile on her face, it forces mine to fall off the face of the earth when it hits me that it's been a while since we had a one on one conversation. It's completely out of character for me to be doing so right now but I guess kissing someone's neck in a locked bathroom makes you more comfortable with them.

'Just keep it that way. I mean not doing it with Noah at least,' I shake my head. 'I love him to death but I feel obligated to warn you're Damon's sister.'

I'd like to believe my first was good. I made sure Lilah was okay and was gently. Obviously now we're a lot rougher but that's now as not then. 'Be careful please.'

'I'll definitely take your advice into consideration.' She responds casually before bringing her undivided attention to her locker. Grabbing the textbooks she needs she shuts it and I watch and she leaves to her next class.

Turning around myself I jolt when I see Lilah stop in front of me. It seems as if she only just stood there but it still scared the living shit out of me. 'Don't scare me like that, please.' I  loosen the grip on the ball in my hands. I'd almost forgotten I still had it.

'Who was that?' I realize she hasn't looks at me once, only watching the back of Katie's head before finally looking at me when she enters her classroom. 'We're in the same class. How did I not notice her. What's her full name?'

'Katie Hart.' A glimmer of recognition flashes in her eyes.

'Damon's little sister. The bangs kid.' She emphasizes her old haircut by drawing a straight line on her forehead with her pointer finger.

'Just regular Katie.' I correct her nicknames. 'About her actually. Could you actually give her this ball? It's her brothers since you guys are in the same class apperantly,'

'Okay.' She takes the ball before leaving, confused by how harsh she sounded I watch her walk away before heading to my own locker. Not sure if I somehow upset her, she's gone because I can ask.

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