Chapter 70: Clandestine

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The screen flickered as new slides were generated, now showing a list of details corresponding to each Gra Valkan military branch. "So far, we've been able to determine the defining features of the Gra Valkan military. Their ground forces appear to use primarily German-styled weaponry, while their naval forces use Japanese designs. Their Air Force is a mixture of the two." A new picture was displayed on the screen, showing planes sitting on a Gra Valkan airfield. "We don't know how far along the Gra Valkans are when it comes to the development of these planes, but we can say with certainty that these aircraft are akin to the Horten Ho Two Twenty-Nine and the Messerschmitt Me Two Sixty-Two, respectively. They operate using early jet engines, similar to light-discharge engines."

A Muan official raised his hand, "How certain are you certain of these specifications?"

The major answered, "These specifications — top speed, range, and radar technology — are all assumed to be true, given the Gra Valkan Empire's current level of technology. Of course, we can't guarantee that all of these values are exact to the Gra Valkan counterparts, but they can provide a reasonable reference. Something to build strategies and potential countermeasures off of."

"Potential countermeasures?" A Mirishial commander burst out, standing from his seat. "I am loath to admit this, but if these specifications are indeed true, then not even the Alpha-Three can contend! How then, do you anticipate we develop countermeasures?"

"Well," the American reassured his audience, "The United States government is willing to provide technical assistance with improving already existing technologies," he said, looking at the Muans, "and making your magic more potent by applying scientific principles," his gaze shifted to the Mirishials.

The Muans and Mirishials conversed amongst themselves, finding the proposal to be adequate. Sensing there might be more to it, the skeptical Mirishial commander wondered, "All of this aid won't come for free, I assume. What do you seek in return?"

"Not much," the American ambassador stepped in. "It's in our best interest to stem the Gra Valkan tide, without provoking them and letting them know of our involvement. Assisting you indirectly is the best method of achieving these goals, although we will request additional... accommodations in exchange for our knowledge and expertise."

The men in the audience looked at each other, thinking about their decisions.

"Might I also add, accepting these terms will also lift some restrictions on American military technology. Thanks to some recent adjustments in our foreign policy, you'll be able to buy modernized small arms and light vehicles."

The Muans were immediately ecstatic, their strong emotions visible behind their uncontainable smirks. As the premier mechanical civilization of the Second Civilized Region, they simply couldn't pass up on an opportunity to not only further themselves, but to also catch up to the Americans and surpass the Holy Mirishial Empire. Access to American weapons could also significantly bolster their defensive capabilities against a possible war with the Gra Valkans.

While the offer wasn't as tantalizing to the Mirishials due to their specialization in magic, they couldn't deny that American technology could nonetheless provide important insights. If they wanted to maintain their edge, they would have to take every advantage they could get. Thinking of the return of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, they also realized that they had no other choice but to accept, if they wanted to establish a solid allegiance against the forces of evil.

"What accommodations?" A Muan asked.

"Like I've said before," the ambassador reiterated, "Not much." Hoping to emphasize this message, he explained, "We only ask for mutual research cooperation and rights to enough land for a single military base, to be established on each of your nations."

The Muans felt as if allowing a foreign nation to build a base on their land could harm their sovereignty and reputation. Despite this, the benefits significantly outweighed a mere insult to their pride. If allowing foreign troops on their land was the price of guaranteeing sovereignty against the Gra Valkan threat, then it was worth it. They nodded at each other and accepted the terms willingly.

Having been looked up to by the entire world as the most powerful country, the Mirishials suffered an even larger insult to their pride. However, much like the Muans, they saw the logic in accepting the deal. Above all, their priority was to safeguard Elysia against the return of the Ravernal Empire, their pride tertiary. Left with no alternatives, the Mirishials acquiesced, agreeing with the terms provided by the Americans.

"That settles it, then," the American ambassador grinned. "I pray these precautionary measures won't be needed, but if they are, then the Gra Valkans will certainly find themselves in a world of hurt."


Author's Note:

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