Chapter 3 - Assassin

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It was a knock that interrupted my dreamless rest.

It was dawn.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the absence of Enkidu. Alarmed, I walked out of the cave and called their name. No reply. It was really a problem and I was already about to lose hope; I couldn't win the Holy Grail War alone, I had no chance of surviving without Enkidu's help. I called their name a third time as I entered the forest.

I felt movements among the plants and, thinking it was Enkidu, I ran towards that direction recklessly.

I found myself in front of a lake with clear water. As soon as I looked up, I saw two people on the opposite bank: a boy and a girl. The girl wore a red military dress, she had gold shoulder pads with fringes, and her hair was brown and loose. The boy was a guy who wore black, had white hair and an icy look.

When I saw those two I knew immediately that I was in danger, but I was unable to think rationally; I stood still, paralyzed with terror.

"We found him," the girl exclaimed in a sadistic tone. "We found Nihil. Assassin, kill him."

"Master," he said in a cold voice, "I would like to avoid killing other Masters. I'd rather eliminate his Servant if possible."

"Don't oppose my will and kill that Master."

"As you wish, then."

Assassin summoned a very oddly shaped sword and jumped to my position. Without thinking about it, I tried to escape; he stood in front of me and swung. I threw myself to the ground with my whole body, luckily that blade didn't hurt me. Assassin, remaining impassive, approached me and said:

"Don't worry, I know how to give you a quick and painless death. Don't resist."

He raised his sword again and struck another swipe.

The blade was blocked.

It was Enkidu.

"Excuse me, An, but I was busy getting some food, but I should've imagined an attack by an Assassin-class Servant."

"Apologies accepted, take care of Assassin while I..." I started looking for the girl with my eyes, but she was not there. "Where did she go?"

Something grabbed me from behind and dragged me into the forest a couple of meters and finally threw me to the ground; I fell like a sack of potatoes. When I got up, I saw that girl who had around her a long astral arm of blue color. Her eyes stared at me in disgust and I was genuinely worried.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Sexta and I'm here to kill you, Nihil."

"Is that my name?"

"What—are you stupid? You really don't remember your useless name? You really are a lost case, Nihil."

I had no intention of fighting, but I had no other choice. I tried to hit Sexta, but was overturned. I immediately got up and tried to escape. The astral hand grabbed my leg and dropped me to the ground.

"Are you kidding me, Nihil? Did you really think you could walk away like nothing happened? I already told you that you will die, so don't make too many fuss and accept your fate."

Her hazel eyes overflowed with a murderous instinct. It was impossible to remain calm in front of that killer look.

Her astral hand tried to grab me several times, but I managed to escape and went back to Enkidu; they weren't having the same difficulty as I was. The fight against Assassin was not at all on the same level as the duel against Saber, it was little but sure. Assassin slashed very hard, but was unable to keep up with Enkidu, who was faster than him.

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