Chapter 2 - Memories

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I had no unique memories of my childhood, from what I knew I had never been particularly happy or particularly sad. I grew up in a family like so many others, so quiet and free of quarrels that it seemed inhuman. I was educated by a mentor, a magus, and immediately one thing was clear to me: I was destined for nothing.

The memories of my childhood and my entire life up until the Holy Grail War were indifferent to me. Some gaps in my mind were filling up little by little and it bothered me because I would rather remember everything right away than wander in the dark. I had been chosen to be a Master, but I was neither ready nor strong enough to fight a war against other magi; yet I was there, against my will.

I was there with Lancer, my Servant, whose name was Enkidu.


It was a really nice name. I didn't know anything about Enkidu, I didn't know their story or even the origin of their abilities. All I knew was that they were a Servant and that they had a duty to protect me, which I didn't like so much. I wasn't the fighting type, but I wasn't the kind of person who was willing to be protected like a child either. It was all in my head, of course, and Enkidu didn't see me as a baby, but I didn't understand what idea they had of me. Did they consider me a burden or a possible resource? I didn't dare ask for fear of the answer and so I closed that curiosity inside my heart.

Saber, aka Musashi Miyamoto, had proposed a challenge to Enkidu just three hours ago and in all that time we had dedicated ourselves to exploring the forest; I was looking for a place to sleep. I didn't ask Enkidu to take me out of nature, I could've done it, but I didn't because I knew what would be beyond the trees, rocks and wild beasts: something worse. Memory limped, but the image of Elysion managed to trudge through that darkness in my mind. Elysion the Invisible City: my cradle, my home, my hell.

"Are you all right, Master?" Enkidu asked.

"Yes, I was just thinking about a thing... nothing important, don't worry."

"I see. I would advise you to be careful, the sun is setting and walking in a forest at night could be risky."

"I know I know..."

"So where are you going to stop?"

"I don't know. I'm looking for... a place to spend the night. Do you know an appropriate location?"

They didn't answer.

"You know it, right?"

"Maybe... do you want me to take you there?"

I felt like an idiot for not having made that request before, I was so worried about the whole situation that I completely forgot about Enkidu's superhuman sense of direction.

"That's fine."

Enkidu took me in their arms. "Hold on tight, Master."

"Huh? Why—?"

They made a very high jump, so high that I could see the tips of the trees; I screamed like a child for the fear I felt and I clung to Enkidu, they held me tight with incredible strength.

Enkidu landed in front of a cave and said to me: "Here it's perfect."

"There aren't any ravenous wolves inside, are there?" I asked doubtfully.

"It is not my intention to disturb the inhabitants of this forest. The cave is deserted and safe for someone like you." They made me get down. "I bet you'll be hungry, Master."

"Not too much—"

"I'll bring you some fruit, you stay here and don't move."

They went away.

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