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Lunchbreak arrived not a minute to late. Dante was emotionally exhausted already. He made zero friends. And he was pretty sure he was going crazy again.
He hadn't seen 'things' for years. He though it was finally over. But of course it had to be here. If any one would find out about it he would be the centre of ridicule once again.

He shook his head as if to shake the bad emotions off.
Just go eat your lunch.
In a huge cafeteria.
With people.

He entered and took a look around in search of any empty tablets or spots.
Only to come out empty. He sighed and was almost ready to turn around and find a toilet or a spot outside when a guy jumped up from his chair.
"DANTE!" He yelled. Loud. Above all the chatter.
Dante could just hear it coming to an abrupt stop. And eyes looking around to see what the heck was going on.
"Dante! Dante! I'm over here! We are sitting over here! On this table! Dante come sit here! Hey Dante!" The tall guy with dark brown curly hair was waving both his hands at him. He saw people snickering like this wasn't a total rare occurrence.
Dante knew better so he scraped all his confidence together and started toward the table.

He just felt the people look at him as he went over.
Antonio Rodriquez-García set his hands on his sides while grinning like a maniac.
He didn't sit down until Dante stood at the table and he could point at the empty seat someone had left for him.
"Hey Dante. Sit down. These are my friends. Guys this is Dante. My cousin. The one I told you about." Dante sat down and finally so did Antonio.
His friends where just smiling like this wasn't a horrible situation at all.
Three guys and two girls sat at the table.
Two of them where at least in some way related to him.
The others smiling like they where enjoying this a tad to much.

Dante got out his food and tried to act like he didn't care that people were laughing at him. Juan García who was the cousin of Antonio and for some reason was still considered to be close family, grinned at him.
"How's you first day going, corto?"
Dante rolled his eyes. Juan was a asshole but as long as he was mean to him and still accepted him to be a guy he was fine with it.
"It's fine."
"Made any friends?" His other cousin Inez asked him. She was a Rodriquez.
She had four more brothers of which two owned a bakery and the other two worked in construction.

She herself wanted to be an architect. She spent most of her time creating city's on her pc. When they where little, Inez would design a garage for his dad with a sunroom for a little garden for Dante.
Dante gave her look as answer and she nodded in understanding.
"You'll be fine." She promised.
"Yeah you'll be fine. Everyone here is very nice and accepting!" Antonio said while stealing one of the sandwiches his abuela made for him and stuffing his face with it.
Inez made a face but stole one as well.
"Yea just don't mess with the Diaz crew and you'll be fine." Juan added.
"They do not call themselves the Diaz crew!" A girl with neon pink hair said rolling her eyes behind her thin framed round glasses.

"Yea they are more the Diaz gang!" A guy with his eyes stuck on his phone said.
"Yeah, I wonder if they do drugs, probably." Juan answered his own questions.
"I don't care if they steal, murder of sniff up cocaine. As long as they leave me alone." Inez said raising her hands in mock surrender.
"Who is Diaz?" Dante asked making a mental note to stay away from that person.
"He doesn't eat with the commoners, corto. But you'll know him when you see him. He is huge. Like tio Andreas huge but then bigger," Antonio started making everyone smirk at his antics, " and he has eyes that look like they saw dama de los muertos herself and he gave her the middle finger! And more tats than a whole prison gang combined." Inez rolled her eyes.
"Oh and he probably has blood dripping down his fist." Juan added now getting into it.
"Yes! He gets in one fight a day at the very least. It's a wonder he isn't expelled. I heard he put three guys in the hospital because they told him to go back where he came from."

Dante raised an eyebrow.
"So people are being racist and he kicked their asses?"
Juan and Antonio shut up for a second and shared a look.
"That's what you may think buddy. But this guy is dangerous... like really dangerous. Just stay away from him okay?" He sounded a bit serious even.
"They aren't wrong Dante. Diaz is a very aggressive asshole who punches before he talks. And you don't wanne be on the receiving end of that punch." Inez put her hand on Dante's to make him listen. And he nodded.
He wasn't crazy enough to look up a fight.
"I'll stay away." He promised.
Antonio soon found something else to talk about and Dante finished his last sandwiches in silence. He never saw the family a lot because he grew up almost a 10 hour drive away. But it was kinda nice having a big family around you. Even if they were annoying.

After the break ended Juan walked with him to the only class they shared. Math
It was in the back building. Juan showed him short cuts and places to stay clear off. Like a smoking corner next to the gym Where apparently Diaz and his gang buddies liked to hang.
Or the supply closet where people hooked up in during classes.
"I can't believe people would do that there, that's so gross." Juan laughed as they rounded the corner.
"I've heard of crazier spots, corto! Sometimes you just gotta..."
Dante walked face first into a wall.
The force alone enough to knock him of his feet.
But two huge hands wrapped around him before he could fall. Lifting him to his feet.

Juan seemed to have a short mental breakdown as he gazed up at the guy Dante ran into. He was huge. That was no lie. He could easily touch the two meters.
And he was buff.
He just oozed masculinity, which made Dante jealous in an instant. Some people never had to be insecure about things like that.

The guy had skin like honey and dark hair shaved up at the sides. Making him look more attractive. He wore a jeans an a black t-shirt. Showing of his tattoo sleeves on his arms. Even some tat that hid under his shirt peeked out at his neckline.
He had a glare that was so powerful, if pointed at a brick wall, it would pulverize.
Thick eyebrows above dark almost pitch black eyes that could stare in your soul and make your soul want to run and hide.
Some golden flicker washed over his eyes as if the sun got hold of them for a small second. Hardly enough to notice..
There was no doubt this was the guy he was warned for.
And he just ran into him like he was some wall.
Dante swallowed The lump that formed in his throat.

He was gonna die.
He was absolutely gonna die.
Oh shit shit shit shit

Juan squeaked something he didn't understand earning a look from the guys walking next to the Diaz guy. Also very tall and buff and able to commit murder.
One of them was a black guy with short trimmed Afro hair and who was looked at Dante like he was a puzzle he just count figure out.
And the other one, the one who could be Diaz his long lost brother is not for the bright green hair was grinning like he couldn't wait for the feast to begin.

"Sorry." Dante breathed out.
Before either one could react Juan grabbed him at his arms and dragged him away so quickly Dante almost fell twice.
"Do you have a dead wish Dante! I didn't know you where planning your funeral!" He hissed before pushing Dante in a classroom.
"I didn't see him." Dante tried defending himself looking back a little frightened as if the guys could round the corner any second now to stamp him into a wall.
"How can you not see him! He is huge! He is like a giant killer machine. You can't not see him."
Dante could only let out a shuddering breath

He really got himself in trouble this time.


Oh no Julian is gonna kill him!

Somewhere along this story your gonna notice i started reading the Aristotle and Dante books. Those books are so damn good! Reading makes you a better writer. Cause it helps you find the words inside yourself that you can't find.

I was stuck at chapter 13 for weeks and now I just wrote ten chapters in two days . I still have as much of a clue what's gonna happen as the rest of you though ! Just know the third one is going down. And I hate killing of characters. But boi is dead!

Thanks for reading! First one almost made 20k! I can't wait! I just love that people are reading it! And voting and commenting . It gives me the motivation to write.😘

Please comment, vote and follow and love thy neighbor!

Ps imma update this story on mondays.

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