Chapter 18

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Namseok stared between his parents in awe as Jimin finished retelling the abridged version of their journey to getting mated. "Wow..." he breathed out. Then his face suddenly scrunched in confusion. "I thought you couldn't have pups unless you were mated." He said, obviously struggling to understand how his Eomma could have given birth to him before he and his appa were mated. "That's what Halmeoni said."

Jimin chuckled as he ruffled Namseok's hair lovingly. "That is a conversation for us to have when you're a little older. But for now..." He gestured to where Eunbi was curled up against Yoongi's chest, having fallen asleep while Jimin was explaining how he and Yoongi had finally started courting. "I think it's time to get some sleep."

"Okay." Namseok said cheerfully, rolling over to press a kiss to his sister's cheek. "Night night, Bi." He then rose up on his knees, leaning in to kiss his appa goodnight. "Night night, appa."

"Goodnight, Seokie." Yoongi responded softly, lightly poking the pup's nose to make him giggled as he turned around to Jimin.

"Night night, Eomma!" He quickly kissed Jimin and as the older omega bid his son goodnight, the four-year-old shifted down to press a kiss to Jimin's stomach. "Night night, puppy. See you soon."

Yoongi shot Jimin a confused look as Namseok settled down, nuzzling into Jimin's neck. Jimin waited until Namseok was fast asleep before smiling sheepishly at his mate. "I was going to tell you tomorrow."

The alpha's eyes widened. "Wait you're really pregnant again?" Jimin nodded. "And you told our pups before me?"

"No." Jimin giggled at Yoongi's pout. "I was going to tell all of you at dinner tomorrow. I had it all planned out, the pups had 'big brother' and 'big sister' shirts I was going to have them put on right before you got home from work." Now Jimin pouted. "But Namseok just had to go and sense it before I could tell you, just like he did when I was pregnant with Eunbi."

"Poor baby." Yoongi teased Jimin, leaning over their pups to press a kiss to his lips. "Would it make you feel better if I pretend this never happened so you can surprise me tomorrow."

Jimin scrunched his nose up. "No, because it still won't be the same."

Yoongi pressed their lips together again for a few seconds. "Well, if it helps, I'm still just as excited to have another pup with you."

"You better." Jimin mumbled before kissing Yoongi again. "Because this is the last one. I'm getting my tubes tied."

"If that's what you want." Yoongi agreed, kissing his mate one more time before settling down to go back to sleep, his arm thrown over his whole family.

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