Chapter 1

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Yoongi was roused by a soft murmuring beside him. He rolled over to find his mate sitting up and cuddling their four-year-old son, Namseok, close to his chest. "Everything okay?"

Jimin nodded. "He just had a little scary dream." The omega said softly, pressing a kiss to the top of their pup's head.

"What if the monster comes to get me?" Namseok asked, staring up at Jimin with wide eyes.

"He won't, my little puppy." Jimin assured him, running a hand through his hair. "Your appa will fight him off if he tries." He looked over at Yoongi with a glint in his eyes.

"Eomma's right." Yoongi said, reaching over to tickle the pup's toes. "No monster is getting my little buddy as long as I'm around."

Their bedroom door creaked open once more, revealing their two-year-old daughter, Eunbi, toddling in. "Snuggles?" She asked, attempting to climb up onto her parents' bed while still clutching onto her stuffed kitty that she lovingly named after her father, claiming that it looked just like him.

Yoongi reached down to help her up. "All the snuggles for our little princess."

Eunbi giggled as she squished herself between Jimin and Yoongi, holding Meow Meow tight to her chest. "Story?"

"What story do you want to hear?" Jimin asked, shifting Namseok off his lap so he could cuddle up with his sister.

"How did you and Appa fall in love?" Namseok asked with wide eyes. Recently, Namseok had been invited to be the flower boy at a family friend's mating ceremony and had been obsessed with the concept of love ever since.

"Are you sure you wanna hear that boring old story?" Jimin asked, earning a playful pinch on the thigh from Yoongi. "It's super long." Namseok and Eunbi both nodded eagerly. "Okay then. It all started many moons ago, way back when Leto first arranged our stars in the sky..."

Yoongi had to hold back a snort at that. It was no secret that wolves were huge on folklore, stories and legends that were passed between packs in the olden days and lived on as they became more modernized. The most popular was of the Goddess Leto who gave them life and set their paths for them in the stars from the moment they were conceived. Yoongi had been at a young age, far too young to be so skeptical, when he decided that couldn't be the case. After all, with the life he had been dealt, he couldn't believe that some generous being way up in the sky could have thought it was the best thing for him.

But watching Jimin tell their pups the story of how they met, he began to think maybe there was some truth to the myth...


Yoongi squeezed his mother's hand as tight as he could, looking around the unfamiliar building with wide eyes. His senses were being attacked with dozens of scents, far more than his young nose was used to and he couldn't help but release a couple of sneezes as he was led into a room with a bunch of pups his age and two very strange adults, one of which was an alpha.

"Here we are, Yoongi." His mother cooed. "Your new school."

"Hi, Yoongi." One of the strangers crouched down in front of him, making him hide behind his mother's leg. "I'm Mr. Yejun. I'm one of your teachers."

The five-year-old pup whimpered, hiding his face in his mother's jeans as he blocked out the world around him. He didn't want to know who these people were or how much fun they would supposedly have there. He just wanted his eomma to take him back home and put on The Avengers for him to watch for the umpteenth time. It was when the omega eased him out from behind her and said, "Be good, Yoongi," that he knew that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

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