Chapter 12

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"Okay, seriously, explain this to me." Jimin glanced over at his best friend as he sipped at his milkshake. "How do you get to fuck your boyfriend on a nearly daily basis without your parents batting an eye, but my parents ground me and take away my bedroom door for a week because they walked in on me just kissing mine?" Taehyung hit his hands against the counter in front of them in frustration. "Like, we weren't even making out. I'm pretty sure what we were doing can barely even count as a kiss."

Jimin snorted as he set his milkshake down. "I'm pretty sure the punishment has less to do with you kissing Hoseok and more to do with the fact that it was two in the morning and he had snuck into your room." Jimin pointed out. "And I'm going to safely assume that they walked in on the goodbye kiss as Hoseok was leaving after late night sexy times."

Taehyung pouted at him. "Why are you so good at guessing? I hate you."

"That's impossible." Yoongi spoke up from where he was wiping down the counter a few feet away from them, as per his new job duties. "No one could ever truly hate Jimin."

Jimin preened at the compliment, his cheeks flushing red as he leaned over to steal a kiss despite Yoongi's complaints that he was gonna get him fired after only a week of working at the diner. "Seriously?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow as Jimin sat back down on his stool. "Five minutes ago, you were describing in excruciating detail how well Yoongi eats you out, but you blush over a bare minimum compliment? Just another thing to add to the list of things that I don't understand about your relationship. Right after the whole not having to sneak around to have daily sex thing."

"Okay, first of all, we don't do it that often." Jimin corrected. "Plus, it's not like my parents encourage us to have sex or anything. It's more like..." Jimin paused as he tried to think about how to word it. "They know the urges and struggles that can come about when people our age are courting, and with Yoongi living with us for the past year and a half, they knew that it would make our hormones go haywire or something, and they say that if we're going to be having sex, they'd rather us be doing it in a safe place rather than sneaking around and worrying more about hiding it."

Taehyung sighed. "God, I wish I had your parents."

"Hey, Tae," Yoongi spoke up again, leaning against the counter. "If you're grounded, how are you here right now?"

"Told my parents that Jimin and I had a school project." Taehyung answered. "And I facetimed them to prove I was with Jimin. Otherwise, I'd be literally decaying in my doorless room right now." He took a bite of his hamburger as he finished explaining.

Yoongi blinked. "Then why aren't you taking advantage of this time and spending it with Hoseok?"

Taehyung's eyes widened in realization. "Gotta go!" He abandoned his meal and rushed out of the restaurant.

Jimin laughed at his best friend before turning to his boyfriend, biting his lip as he looked him over in his uniform. Yoongi sighed as he tossed his rag onto the counter. "I get it, you think I look extremely hot in my uniform." Jimin smiled as he leaned over the counter. "Now can you please let me work in peace so that I don't get fired before I finish out my first week?"

"I'm just sitting here." Jimin said innocently, tilting his head as he bit his lip again.

"Your scent tells a different story." Yoongi stated, giving in long enough to press his lips to Jimin's in a quick kiss before returning to his job.


"You kind of shut down during dinner." Jimin spoke to Yoongi as he climbed onto their bed, as Yoongi had pretty much moved into Jimin's room shortly after moving into the house and began arranging the pillows. "Right around the time my parents started asking about college."

Yoongi let out a sigh, quietly watching Jimin stuff Yoongi's hoodie that he had tossed on the bed after school that day near his pillow. "You're nesting."

"And you're avoiding." Jimin retorted, settling down in the center of his bed once the pillows were arranged to his liking. "I am completely aware that I'm just entering pre heat, and I know you know I'm aware, so you only brought it up now as way of avoiding talking about college." Yoongi bit his lip, as he knew Jimin was right. "Come here." The omega held his arms out and made grabby motions with his hands until Yoongi had climbed on the bed with him, the pair lying down and getting comfy against the pillows. "What is it?" Jimin asked quietly once they were settled into their cuddles.

"I don't know..." Yoongi ran his hand over Jimin's thigh that was exposed by his pajama shorts while Jimin played with his hair. "I just..." He sighed. "I never really thought of college as an option for me. No one's ever really talked about it. Not my brother, not my mom...the first time I even heard a teacher or counselor mention it to me was this year. So now that the time to start applying is actually's kind of frightening."

Jimin hummed as he continued to run his fingers through Yoongi's hair, gently massaging the alpha's scalp until Yoongi was in a state of complete relaxation. "Do you even want to go to college?"

"I just said I'd never even thought about it."

"I know that." Jimin responded. "But I mean now, in this moment, when you know that it very much could be an option, is college something you want to do?" Yoongi wasn't even sure how to answer that. "Because college isn't for everyone, and there's nothing wrong with that. The only reason I'm even planning on going is because I want to teach dance, and it's easier to get teaching jobs when you have a degree." Jimin shifted until he was lying half on top of Yoongi, his forearms resting on the alpha's chest as he looked down at him. "Music's what you want to do. Are you interested in studying it at a college, or do you want to just try to make something of yourself straight out of high school?"

Yoongi stayed quiet as he weighed the options in his mind. Eventually he said, "Well...I've never had any formal training or lessons before. It might be nice to get some of that. Make myself better before I try to pursue a career."

Jimin smiled down at him. "I mean, you're already way more talented than half the famous producers out there." Yoongi scoffed at that, obviously not believing in him. "But if you want to go to college, then we can make it happen. We can fill out applications together and try to get into the same school." Jimin's eyes lit up as he continued to talk about the future. "And we can get an apartment together so that we won't have to schedule sex around when my parents will be home, and we won't have to deal with the awkwardness of my parents being around when I'm in heat or you're in rut. We can try to get a two bedroom, that way we can have an extra work room for you to work on your music and for me to practice my dancing..." Jimin trailed off as he realized Yoongi was just smiling up at him. "What is it?"

Yoongi shrugged slightly. "I just...I've never actually had a reason to think about the future, much less look forward to it." He gently cupped Jimin's cheek, running his thumb along the omega's skin. "But now I do." Jimin returned the smile, leaning down to softly press his lips to Yoongi's.

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