Chapter 5

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A/N: there is a time skip, they are teenagers now

"Yoongi..." Jimin's voice called softly, the omega staring at him with innocent eyes despite the way he was kneeling on the alpha's bed. He then giggled. "I'm waiting..." He taunted, biting his lower lip as he slowly grabbed the hem of his fluffy oversized sweater, dragging it up over his thighs until Yoongi could see a hint of lace-

Yoongi's eyes shot open and he sat up, groaning at the feeling of his erection rubbing against the fabric of his boxers. "God fucking dammit, Yoongi." He scolded himself, running his hand over his face in frustration before slapping himself. "Stop being such a pervert." Dreams such as the one he'd just experienced had been happening on an almost nightly basis ever since he'd gotten his first rut almost a year earlier, and every morning he woke up completely mortified and guilty to have conjured up such inappropriate images of one of his closest friends. Not only because Jimin hadn't matured yet, but also because the omega was just too pure to be tainted in that way in Yoongi's mind.

He climbed out of bed and padded to the bathroom, keeping the water freezing cold as he waited for his dick to go soft before finally setting it on a more comfortable temperature to wash himself. He went through his entire morning routine before heading to the kitchen for breakfast, pausing with a sigh at the sight of an unknown alpha passed out on the couch. "Great, Mom." He grumbled under his breath as he tiptoed through the living room to the kitchen. Searching through the half empty pantry, he eventually settled on a granola bar two days past its expiration date and went back to his room to grab his shoes and backpack before leaving the house before his mother or her supposed new boyfriend woke up.

He munched on his not quite stale, but not quite fresh breakfast as he walked to school, tossing the empty wrapper in the trash the second he stepped onto campus. As always, he headed straight to the music room to sit at the old piano until the warning bell rang. Humming under his breath, he let his fingers dance along the keys until a cloud of vanilla attacked his nostrils, making him stumble over the notes. "Yoongi!" The sweet angelic voice he was so used to called out as Yoongi felt his member start to twitch from the delectable scent how now held. Fuck. The alpha thought to himself as Jimin plopped down on the piano bench next to him. "Happy Monday! How was your weekend?"

"Fine," Yoongi responded weakly before clearing his throat. "H-how was yours?" He asked without looking at Jimin, starting to feel like he was suffocating in vanilla.

"It was good." Jimin giggled, leaning forward to try to catch the alpha's eye. "Do you...notice anything different about me?"

As the omega leaned even closer, the vanilla somehow got stronger, making Yoongi dig his nails into his thighs as he felt himself getting hard. "I-I don't know, Chimmy."

Jimin giggled again, leaning so close that he was almost pressing against Yoongi. "You're really bad at lying." He nudged Yoongi as the alpha picked up his backpack, trying to seem casual as he rested it on his lap. "Come on, you can say it. It's not dirty." Yoongi kept his mouth shut, willing himself to not pop a full boner with Jimin sitting right next to him. "Fine, I'll do it. I matured!" Jimin squealed in excitement. "I got my first heat over the weekend, isn't it exciting."

"Sure, yeah." Yoongi forced out, trying to take deep breaths without making Jimin realize something was up.

"I mean, I'm not excited about all the heats and the knothead alphas that will start to think that being mature is automatic consent." Jimin continued to ramble, completely unaware of Yoongi's current struggle. "But now Jungkook will stop teasing me about 'still being a pup', and my dad has always said that I can start courting when I'm-"

"I have to go to the bathroom." Yoongi blurted out, standing up so sharply that he made the bench shake. "Sorry, Chimmy, you can tell me more later."

"O...kay." Yoongi could feel the omega's eyes on him as he rushed out of the music room.

He burst into the closest bathroom and locked himself inside a stall, leaning against the door. "Come on, Yoongi," he whispered to himself, "think about moldy cheese...dead puppies...Namjoon..." He tried to conjure up all the least satisfying images he possibly could, but nothing seemed to work as he continued to grow painfully hard at the lingering scent of vanilla on his clothes. "Fuck," He muttered, fumbling with his belt so he could pull his member out. He sent a silent apology towards Jimin before stroking himself, starting with a quick pace in order to relieve himself as quickly as possible.

Yoongi's leg bounced under the table during lunch as he glared down at his lap. He wasn't irritated at all. Definitely not. And especially not by the sight of Jimin giggling at an alpha over by the vending machines. "He seems happy." Namjoon commented, nodding towards the scene Yoongi was obviously not avoiding looking at.

"Of course, he is." Hoseok snorted. "He's only been talking about being able to be courted by an alpha for almost five years now."

Although Yoongi was trying to keep his attention on his lap, the feeling of someone staring at him had him lifting his head up. He furrowed his eyebrows at the way Jungkook and Taehyung were staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing." Both omegas replied, shaking their heads as they turned back to their own lunches just as Jimin returned to the table.

Jimin chirped out a greeting as he took his usual seat next to Yoongi, opening his lunch box and splitting half of it with the alpha as he had done every day since the second week of kindergarten when he'd realized Yoongi wasn't eating lunch at all. As he started to eat, Taehyung and Jungkook stared at him expectantly. "Can I help you?" They continued to stare. "What?"

"Are you not going to tell us what that was about?" Taehyung demanded, waving his hand in the general direction of the vending machines.

"Oh, you mean Donghyun?" Jimin asked casually. "We were just talking about something funny that happened in English..."

From the way he trailed off, Yoongi could tell that there was more. Fearing what it could be, he didn't want to ask, but Hoseok obviously had no qualms. "And?"

Jimin shrugged. "He wanted to know if I was free for a date on Saturday."

Yoongi tensed at the information but forced himself to relax before anyone could notice. "What are you going to say?" Jungkook inquired, eyes darting to Yoongi for just a second in a way that had the alpha furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't know." Jimin said, playing with his chopsticks. "I mean, Appa did say that I could accept courtships from alphas once I was matured but..."

"Then what's stopping you?" Yoongi asked before he even thought it over, finally looking over at Jimin to see the omega already staring at him with wide eyes. "If you know your dad will be okay with it, then go for it."

Jimin bit his lip slightly, something flickering in his eyes as he continued to look at Yoongi. "You think I should?"

No. Yoongi thought but swallowed it down and nodded. "Yeah. Who knows, Donghyun could be your future mate."

"Right..." Jimin let out a small laugh as he turned back to his lunch. Yoongi did the same, catching sight of Jungkook and Taehyung sharing a look as he did so.

Written in the Stars | ymOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora