Something bad?

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After two weeks of you resting an Bruno visiting, talking about feelings. You started to feel depressed being stuck in that room and him constantly checking in on you. You got up and packed up. You left the room and where on your way down the stairs when Bruno stopped you. "What are you doing? Where are you going? " he asked you worried. "I... I need to go. " "but why? Am I not helping enough? ". You started to get frustrated. " I tiptoe around the neighborhood " you began to sing the him. "I'm just another damaged good but you break you buy, you should have ran after the first time, ever days an issue aren't you fighting inside" you sang looking over at him. He got a wide eye expression and started to follow you down the stairs as you walked away. "Deep down you must be tired, I've already given up, so don't save me, save me how much more can you take? " Bruno put a hand on your shoulder trying to stop you but you just kept on going. "Won't you just hate me! Hate me! All the time we wasted you still wanna save me! " you stopped turned around and looked at him. He looked sad and very concerned but you kept on singing. The whole time you sang he kept trying to hold you but you wouldn't let him. Eventually you took a break and fell to your knees "SAVE ME, SAVE ME" you then looked up at him as he embraced your face with worrie. "So don't save me... Save me... How much more can you take? " you then again continued to finish your song as he held you in his arms trying to comfort you. Once you finished completely he held you tighter and said "Y/N I could never hate you. Calm down it'll be okay I promise you. I c-... I want to help you. You help me too and I don't ever want to give up on you. I understand you are pent up in that room and you need more air but I don't think you should go alone anywhere... I promised that I wouldn't let anything else bad happen. " you held onto him and nodded. You both stood up and he embraced your face again. "Alright where would you like to go madam? " he said smiling at you. You shrugged. He grabbed your hand and lead you our of the house. "I'll take you somewhere then just follow me okay? " he said as you nodded. He took you into the village where they where selling all sorts of things like hats, scarfs, and food. "We need to get more food so why don't we do a little shopping just stay close by" he said as you followed. You stood by as he got what he needed to get for the casitas kitchen. You started to daze out for getting you where supposed to follow him. Next thing you knew someone grabbed you and started to pull you away as you heard Bruno yell "HEY".You were instantly scared. It was the same guy from the other night. He pulled you into what was like an Alley n threw you against the wall. " You think that you can just have some "pretty girl" come out of no where and save you? You think your safe entering out in public around here? Heh pretty girl I don't think so. You owe for for last time. " the guy said going up your shirt. "I'm taking what you owe me" he said as he pulled a knife out and put it up to your stomach. "N-no" you stuttered. "Ha, like that's gonna get you anywhere" he said mocking you. You couldn't help it this time you screamed "BRUNOOOO BRUNO HELP ME". Bruno heard your scream while looking for you and followed where it came from. " You little bitch! You think screaming for help is going to get you ANYWHERE EITHER!? " he said very angrily. You started to shake as he gripped one of your freast tight and started to push the knife in. Bruno found you and yelled "LET GO OF HER!" You were so happy to see him. The guy looked over at Bruno with an evil grin and pushed the knife deeply in causing you some much pain you couldn't scream out. "NOOOOOOOOOOO" Bruno screamed very loudly. Bruno got made and ran a up to the guy and hit him so hard he fell unconscious. You could barley tell what was going on things started to get blurry and dark. Bruno grabbed onto you crying. "No no why did I loose sight of you... " he picked you up and ran with you as quick a he could towards casita. "Bruno.. " you muttered. "I know I'm hurrying. " he said still running. He got to casitas and yelled "JULIETAAAAA" while heavily breathing. "JULIETAAA JULIETAAAAAA".Julieta came around from the kit hen and said " Bruno what what is it" then noticed his tears and your blood everywhere. She immediately ran up to him and took you our of his arms and ran you into the kitchen and quickly made up a liquid remedy. Bruno to shocked at what happened just stayed by the kitchen hoping everything was going okay. "Fuck fuck why wasn't I fucking paying attention... This is my fault everything is my fault. No no she's gonna... No I can't I can't I can't believe this no" he was muttering to himself. As soon as Julieta got the remedy made she propped your head open and carefully poured it in hoping it would work. 2 minutes passed and you took a deep breath of air. "Oh thank God!" Julieta exclaimed. You looked around heavily breathing. You saw all the blood her worried face and you started to hard core cry. Julieta wrapped her arms around you and held you tightly saying "I know" over again. Bruno hears you crying but he was still freaking out and was nervous to go into the kitchen he sunk down feeling horrible. Julieta let go of you "calm down breathe tell me what happened? " she said. You looked at her did as she said and told her everything. She put her hands to her mouth in shock. "I'm so sorry we need to do a search to find this guy and bring justice" she said grabbing her hand. "Bruno... He's so worried about you.. " she said looking over at the entrance. "Bruno... BRUNO WHERE'S BRUNO I NEED TO FIND BRUNO!! " You exclaimed in worry jumping down off the table. You started to feel dizzy and and almost fell but she caught you . "He's out there... You should talk to him he is the one that brought you to me." You nodded and walked out there and saw Bruno with his legs to his face. "Bruno.. " you said concerned. Bruno looked up then looked up at you in relief. He jumped up and hugged you tightly. "Thank god you are okay.. I... I thought I was gonna.... I'm just glad you are okay." You embraced his hug and said "I need to lay down. Visit me later if you want to. He nodded and let you go upstairs so you could rest.

Something Interesting {Bruno x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now