15. Possibility - Lykke Li (DNF)

Start from the beginning

I look into his eyes and can see a sense of sincerity. "I believe you." I replied. Whether I just lied or not, I don't even know myself. But I have to prove to a jury that I do. We go over the case and I ask him questions regarding the accusations. 

I ask, "So where were you on August 15th this year, at 11:47pm." 

"Probably at my apartment, I don't have that much of a life," he replied. 

I ask, "And what were you doing in said apartment?" 

"I don't know, maybe fucking anal?" he laughs. 

I say, "Please take this more seriously Mr. Dream." 

"Just call me Dream." he adds. 

I nod, "Alright Dream. So where were you?" 

He sighs, "Like I said, in my apartment either eating some food and watching football, or maybe I had someone over I don't know." 

"Ok let's say you had someone over. Do we have evidence that they were at your home? Do you remember who?" I ask. 

He says, "That was four months ago, a random night, a random time. I honestly have no idea. But I promise, I was in my apartment. Whatever I was doing inside, I don't know because it was a while ago. But I will say again, I wasn't out killing anyone or something." 

I say, "Ok well Dream I can't do much if you don't give me anything. It seems like you don't remember anything you've done these past few months." 

He shrugs, "I don't know what to tell you. I'm like every normal guy in this shit town." 

I stare into his eyes, "You have to give me something that can prove your innocence because the DA so far has a bulletproof case...I need you to give me something that will let me blow her." 

"Blow her? Let's please keep sexual talk for another time George." he laughs. 

I groan, "That's not what I meant...Just...please, do you have anything? Anything for any one of these dates that we can give you an alibi?" 

I showed him the list of victim missing dates. He looks at it and says, "Ok this might be something. I get Chinese food pretty often. From a local restaurant right around the corner from my place. Maybe they have security footage from these dates and maybe it can prove I was there at one of these times and dates." 

I sigh, "It's better than nothing. What's the name of the place?" He gives me the location and we talk some more before it's time for me to leave. 

We both stand up and I say, "Thank you Dream for the cooperation." 

He smiles, "Thanks for taking my case. I promise I'm innocent." 

"Do you need anything? I can bring something if you'd like next time we meet?" I ask. 

He shakes his head, "No I'm alright. Just bring your company." 

I leave and walk to the Chinese restaurant. I talked to the owners and they happily gave me their footage, a very nice old folk married couple. I comb through the different dates at the times these crimes were reported. I watch the tapes looking for times when Dream would come to eat. Multiple footage showed him at the exact time, or around the time of the crimes. 

I give a sigh of relief, "Please let this work." 

I asked the owners whether I could use these footage for the case, to which they agreed. I go home and start to prepare a defense for Dream. I fell asleep on my couch...

Multiple days pass and I've been busy with some other cases. But it's essential I visit Dream and speak with him before the trial tomorrow. I go through security and everything to meet with him. I bring banana pudding with me as an apology for not visiting more, hopefully he likes it. 

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