An Unexpected Encounter | Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Hi," Omega immediately piped up. "I'm Omega."

"We've met, I believe," Ahsoka nodded.

"Commander, this is Omega, who you've met, Hunter, and Wrecker," Echo pointed to each member of the Bad Batch.

"We've heard a lot about you," Hunter offered.

"Is that so?" Ahsoka raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Echo wouldn't shut up last night," Wrecker laughed.

Echo glared at Wrecker. "I wasn't even talking to you!"

Wrecker laughed again. "You knew Rex?"

"I do," Ahsoka nodded.

"A friend of Rex is a friend of mine!" Wrecker grabbed Ahsoka into a bone-crushing hug and squeezed her until she couldn't breathe.

"Wrecker, leave her be," Hunter ordered, and Wrecker set her down.

"I see you have a new friend," a voice came behind Ahsoka. "You any good?"

"Good at wh-" Ahsoka nearly had a heart attack when she saw a Trandotion behind her. She jumped and felt the color drain from her face. Echo's hand on her shoulder reminded her that the Trandotion would probably not be a threat. Ahsoka fought back the flashbacks of when she was kidnapped and hunted by Tranodotions as a padawan.

"Good at what?" Ahsoka repeated in a wobbly voice.

"You sure do spook easy," the Trandotion commented in a loud voice. "I mean good at whatever these fellas do for me. Y'know, the usual 'stealing stuff for clients' or 'busting clients out of sticky situations' stuff?"

"Oh, I'm not staying," Ahsoka held up her hands.

"You're not?" Omega's face fell.

"She any good?" the Trandotion turned to the others.

"Yeah," Echo said.

"Well sure you're staying. You could spice up these fellas' work," the Trandotion proclaimed loudly to Ahsoka. "You look like a pile of bones. Let me fix you up something, on the house. What's your name?"

"I'm not staying," Ahsoka crossed her arms. "You just want me to stay because you'll profit from me. Just because you give me free food this time doesn't mean I'll stay."

The Trandotion sauntered off anyway, observing Ahsoka with side glances.

"Commander, you okay?" Echo asked.

"Stop calling me that," Ahsoka snapped shortly, still a bit distraught from... well, everything. She sucked in a slow breath. "That war's over. My former military rank is unnecessary."

"What am I supposed to call you then?" Echo questioned. "I'm not calling you Snips."

Ahsoka smacked him across the shoulder lightly. "You can call me by my first name."

"But I've called you 'Commander' the whole time I've known you," Echo pointed out.

Ahsoka gave him a pleading look. It hurt to be called Commander, and besides, it was dangerous. "Please, Echo," she pleaded.

"Okay Co- Ahsoka," Echo corrected himself, forcing out Ahsoka's first name. It was hard for him. It felt wrong.

Omega pulled on Ahsoka's long shirt sleeve. "You aren't staying?" She looked up at Ahsoka with the same pleading look Ahsoka had just given Echo.

"I can't," Ahsoka sighed. "I'm sorry, but it's dangerous for me to stay. I'm being hunted, and you will all be in danger."

"I'm being hunted, too," Omega said softly. "The Kaminoins send bounty hunters after me. Please stay."

Ahsoka opened her mouth but was cut off before she could get any voice out.

"Omega is right," Tech glanced up briefly. "It is better for you to stay with us for the time being. Well, at least until your injuries heal."

Ahsoka spared a glance at her bandaged leg, arm, and the countless bacta patches.

"We won't be in any additional danger," Tech went on. "Plenty of bounty hunters already hunt us. Or more directly, Omega."

"Why Omega?" Ahsoka inquired.

"She has the pure Jango Fett DNA," Tech explained. "They Kaminoins want it."

"Ah," Ahsoka sighed. "I guess I'm a little different, though."

"How?" Omega asked.

"I'm not wanted for my DNA," Ahsoka said. "And the entire Empire wants me. The Emperor wants me. Inquisitors have hunted me."

"Inquisitors?" Omega tilted her head.

"Inquisitors are Force-wielding pawns of the Empire. They're very, very dangerous," Ahsoka said. "They're used to hunt down and kill Jedi."

Omega's eyes widened. "Are you a Jedi?"

Ahsoka lowered her voice to a whisper. "Formerly, yes."

The Trandotion wandered back to the group and handed Ahsoka a plate of some sort of meal. Ahsoka flinched slightly when the Trandotion raised her hand, but it was unnoticeable as far as she knew.

Except for Echo. He noticed. He noticed everything.

"Co- Er, Ahsoka," Echo set a hand on her shoulder. "Cid's not a threat..."

"I know," Ahsoka said simply, setting the soup on the table. "I just... never had positive encounters with Trandotions."

"Ooh!" Wrecker boomed. "I wanna hear a story! Tell us a story!" Did everything he said have to be so loud and obnoxious?

"Wrecker," Hunter scolded.

"It's okay," Ahsoka assured them. Her mind raced over the mission on Felucia that turned into a disaster for her. The scent of the meal Cid had provided made her stomach churn.

Ahsoka peered at the curious eyes awaiting her. Omega and Wrecker both looked at her expectantly.

Well, she'd give what she could.

"In short," Ahsoka started cautiously. "I was kidnapped and hunted for sport by Trandotions for three days."

Wrecker and Omega were practically drooling for more. Before Ahsoka knew it, she'd flipped into detail and the story flew out of her mouth.

After that, Tech had been impressed with her ability to create the com device for Chewbacca. (A/N: Was that what it was? I can't remember and I'm too lazy to look back.) Hunter had been impressed with her leadership skills.

Wrecker had been impressed with it all. He'd left his mouth agape and eyes wide when she'd finished the story.

And Omega was just glad she was there.

Ahsoka could already tell that she'd get along just fine with the Bad Batch until she was well enough to go out on her own. 


Word Count: 2,083

Published: Feb. 27, 2022

Fun fun fun stuff. AAAA! I love this idea of Ahsoka meeting the Bad Batch so much. 

Thanks for the votes, reads, and comments!

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Bye, peoples!

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