Chapter Two

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When all you got are these four walls, it's not that hard to feel so small- or even exist at all. Everything I know lives within this room with me: my demons, my mind, every blood stained piece of clothing I own.

I don't belong here. Maybe I'm a reject that passed the final check. It sure as hell feels like it.

If you've ever felt neglected or ignored, join the club. This is a daily thing for me, so I don't know why it matters anymore. I guess it's just the ever present reminder that I'll always be alone.

Sometimes I tell myself that it won't always be this way. But who's to say it even will when I've never tried? I'm not going to either. I see the way they look at me with hatred filled gazes.

"Bostwick, could you pay attention?" My teacher, Mr Glass, said.

The entire year in his class of telling him my last name isn't Bostwick, and he still calls me that. Personally, I think he gets a morbid sense of amusement from seeing me upset. Oh well. I don't plan on staying too long.

A strong force hit the back of my head. Black dots formed around the edge of my vision. I gasped in pain, as my hand flew to the back of my head. It was often their blows drew blood.

"Faggot." Sykes whispered.

I forced my attention elsewhere. Their words actually hurt sometimes. But after three years, I'll be gone. That's right, I'll be free. Free from their words and the cruelty of the world. This last year, and happiness may finally be an option.

The class continued on, without further interruption from Sykes and his gang. That never happens though. I feel as if there's something worse coming later. Most of the time, I'm not wrong on my assumptions.

The bell sounded. Kids scattered like ants, racing to their next class, lunch, locker, girlfriend, etcetera. I wouldn't know. I disappear around this time. The halls become a battlefield of words and punches. The saddest part about it all, is that the faculty couldn't care less. I can't count on one hand how many times a teacher has helped me out here. Most times, they'll throw a sympathetic look and keep walking. Sometimes they won't even look.

I turned down the freshman hall, and pushed my way out. Freshman don't bother me usually. Even though I'm at the bottom of the food chain, they don't dare mess with an upper classman. Still, I'm not spoken to unless it's a derogatory comment.

"Hello there, Kelly Bear." A deep taunting British voice said.

There's no way he just knew where I hang out. Unless he followed me, and I make sure they don't. I may not seem very analytical, but when you don't talk to anyone and you're bullied ninety percent of your life, you become that way.

I took a step back, almost tripping over my own feet in the process.

"Careful Kells. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours all beat up, now would we?" His voice reeked of hatred.

Hands pressed my back, preventing me from going anywhere. Fear rose from within me. Very seldom does the group take time out of their day to bother me. I'm guessing something happened. They need to take their anger out some how.

Oliver grabbed a fist full of my shirt and pulled me towards his face. "You're going to regret the day you were born." He said. His eyes glazed over with sadism. Part of me feared for my life. The majority was ready to get this over with and run home like the scared little boy I am.

He dropped me to the ground, and sent a foot flying into my stomach. It knocked the breath out of me. I gasped for air, but received none. His thin fingers wrapped around my throat, lifting me up. As he held me there, his little posse threw punches to my torso and face. A metallic taste filled my mouth, seeping from my lips. "Choke on your fucking blood." Matt said, spitting in my direction.

Sykes threw me towards the wall. They walked away, high-fiving one another as if they accomplished anything. I pulled myself up. A sharp pain shot through my right side and instantly blurred my vision. Wonderful. They've effectively cracked a rib. At least, that's what it feels like.

"Are you okay?" A male voice called. Out of instinct, I flinched. Maybe Sykes' gang decided to come back for round two.

I brushed my shirt off and rubbed the blood off with the sleeve of my hoodie. My good hoodie, at that.

"Hey," He called again, closer this time.

I stood up, but immediately fell right back down due to the pain in my side. I cried out and clenched my ribs.

"Dude, you're not okay." He assisted me. I flenched away from his touch.

It's pure instinct. Its been a while since I've felt the touch of another person whose goal was kindness.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, pushing him away from me.

He held his hands up in defense. I held onto the wall for support. The second I put weight on my right foot, the familiar searing pain returned.

"See?" He said, appearing at my side again.

His arm went around my back, and another at the back of my knees. He picked me up bridal style. "No!" I shouted, squirming around in his grip.

"I'm not some weak little kid, and I'm definitely not gonna let you carry me like that." I exclaimed once he had set me down.

A grin colored his features. It wasn't until now that I got a good look at him. He had tan skin and dark brown hair with the eyes to match. He didn't look that bad.

"At least let me help you walk home." He said.

I eventually gave in, and hobbled over to him. He supported my back with a strong arm, and I threw mine over his shoulder. He is pretty muscular for a short guy.

"It's amazing how you just randomly trust someone." He said, out of nowhere.

He has a point. Though it never occurred to me. If he was a serial killer, he couldn't hurt me anymore than I've planned to myself. And if he was just looking for a target, he wouldn't have taken the time to help me out.

"I know." I wasn't going out of my way to make small talk with this stranger.

"I could kill you." He pointed out.

"Somehow, I don't think you'll try." I replied.


Nothing more was shared between the two of us. We walked in comfortable silence. It was okay with me. I like quiet. It's not often I get it.

I pointed towards my house. We said our salutations, and I wobbled into the house painfully.

Their beatings never got this bad. Usually it's a punch or two and some hateful words. I wonder what made them go all dark side. Maybe it was just a bad day.

I pulled out my pain killers and downed two without water. Over the years, I've gotten used to taking them without it. It's not really hard.

I made my way into bed. I look like an old man with arthritis. I might as well have. It'd be less painful. I'd more than likely need to visit the hospital, but I wouldn't. Hospitals ask questions that I couldn't care less to answer.

All I can do is suck it up and deal with it. Something I've become familiar with over my years here.

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