Chapter 16 | an eye for an eye

Start from the beginning

"Hernando, I don't think we should be messing with this." Jacinto (Hacinto) warned, the bright glow of the pendant worried him.

"What do even plan to do with it?" He asked his brother. Hernando smirked and turned to his brother.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad." He said before walking to the back door with his brother right behind him

"Everytime you say its nothing bad, it usually ends up to be worse than bad." Jacinto said, rambling on about his brother's constant trouble making tendencies and how running into trouble would be the worst mistake for him.

Little did he know, he was right all along.

He followed his brother blindly to the forest, although questioning Hernando's antics, did nothing to stop him from doing it.

They reached the heart of the forest where Hernando suddenly stopped.

"Nando? What's wrong?" He asked. His brother turned to him with the dull yellow eyes, filled with a spark that sent a shiver down his spine.

"You're what's wrong brother." He bellowed. "You're a freak with those snake eyes, Yet everyone still loves you."

Jacinto backed away from his brother's reach.

Hernando raises the pendant as it glowed brighter and brighter. "You even have a family of your own, a good wife, and ma and pa loves you. While I have nothing." He said, his voice resounding a darker tone the further he spoke.

Jacinto tried to reach for the pendant but Hernando backed away in time.

"But you have me, brother. I'll always be here."

Hernando scoffed, "I don't want you, Jacinto, you're the reason I'm in this mess. You're the reason why I am a nobody. You cast a pretty big shadow, brother."

Jacinto's brows furrowed, Hernando was right. He has always been favored despite his differences. But it wasn't his fault, nor did it feel like a curse.

He was fortunate to have such loving friends. But he failed to show the same to his younger brother.

Hernando raised the pendant, "Now I can finally get what I want. Goodbye, brother."

Jacinto's eyes widened as the wind blew stronger and stronger, it felt worse than a typhoon's. It enveloped him and he watched as his brother left him with the pendant.

Slowly, his breath hindered, and the trees and the bushes began to envelope him, burying him into the ground.


Growing up, Hernando treated the two girls like they were his own. However, although he wouldn't admit it, he cared for Sofia more than he did Y/n.

The younger girl looked too much like her father. It reminded him too well of what happened.

While Sofia was the picture perfect child, wasn't sickly at all, looked nothing like his brother, compared to the younger one.

It was a drag having to take of her, if it weren't for Lucia always demanding for him to fetch help, he would have just waited till the girl just passed on.

Nonetheless, as time went by, Hernando couldn't deny he felt somewhat protective of the two girls. He felt like they were his own as they still resembled him somehow.

His life was finally perfect.

Until, the eldest began to ask question.

"Papa, who is that man in the painting?" A young 10 year old Sofia asked her father.

Hernando sneered at that painting, both stood beside each other, dressed in the exact clothes but his brother shined brother with that proud smile and glowing eyes.

"That's my twin. He lost his way and left us all. He was heartless." He said, biting his cheeks and clenching his jaw.

It has only been 2 years or so and yet Hernando couldn't stop thinking about his brother's face as he reached for him.

Sofia turned to her father, "Why does he have yellow eyes?"

Hernando looked down to his daughter, "Because he was a snake." He said before walking through the back door to pick up more fruits.

He hoped the questions stopped there but it reoccurred when Sofia turned 15.

"Papa, do you know something about the Lacuerte pendant?" She asked as they ate on the dinner table.

Eleana and Jaime were out doing chores and Lucia was in her room. Hernando looked at his daughter with a disapproving look.

"Why do you ask?"

"I- nothing. I just remember about it in the book Abuelo used to read to us  before." She answered before resuming to eat her breakfast.

"Don't read that book again, it's filled with lies made by your Abuelo. The pendant is gone, we threw out to sea because it was cursed."

Sofia's head shot up before silently nodding. As soon as she finished, Sofia got up and left the house without another word.

Then the next day, she disappeared.

Dismayed by the lost of his daughter, Hernando found himself wallowing in his room, clenching a family picture they took when Y/n turned 1. Her only year without any illness

As he stared further he found a tiny detail. The necklace Y/n had was given to her by his father, wrapped daintily around her tiny neck.

It was no ordinary necklace.

It was the pendant.

He dropped the photo and buried it with the rest in the dated box before him, pushing it frantically under the bed as he brushed his hand through his hair.

It's been more than 8 years now. He should have been over it already. The past should stop haunting him by now.

He paced around his room and saw a letter resting on the drawer near the door.

He reached for it, Papa was written on the back of the envelope.

He opened it carefully and saw 4 words written on the small sheet of paper.

I know you're lying.

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