Chapter 15: Part 2: Guilty As Charged

Start from the beginning

"And I gained muscles." I rolled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Cocky much?" I murmured. He laughed. I think the others rubbed off on him.

"You ready to see them?" I sighed, but stayed silent. "Okay then," Logan mumbled. That was all he did, before pumping his fist and running to the living room with a battle cry. "For Graham!" he yelled, making me laugh.

The conversing stopped when we entered and they all looked up at us. I was still laughing as Logan lazily walked over to a couch. To the couch where Drake was currently lying on, hands behind his head, eyes closed. Well, damn, what was he up to? I tightened my hold on him. "Logan, what-" was all I got out before I collided with a shriek with Drake's body.

We both groaned. "Damn it, Liz!" Drake said, annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but it was Logan's fault. Are you okay?" I was about to get up when Liam literally jumped on top of me, facing downwards, facing me. Well, not exactly me, since he was using my boobs as a pillow. I wanted to push him away just as I felt even more pressure and came to the conclusion that Jeremy was lying on top of all of us.

"Are you kidding me?" Drake spoke against my neck.

"Okay, guys, guys, guys!" I got out, breathless. It wasn't all day that two of your best friends were lying on top of you. Two tall, muscular friends. I didn't even want to know how Drake felt. "Could you please get up?!" With every breath I took I felt my chest tightening and I was pretty sure that Liam's head on my boobs didn't help one bit.

"Come on, Liz. Don't be such a party pooper!" Jeremy said from above.

"Easy for you to say," Drake mumbled against my skin, making me shiver.

"Shut up, Jerry Berry." The guys snickered.

"Liz!" Jere shrieked. Okay, so I may or may not have promised him to never call him that in front of the guys, but I couldn't fucking breathe. "Liam, get off me."

"I think it's really comfortable here," he said against my shirt, his voice muffled. Every time he was opening his mouth it felt like he was kissing my shirt! This had to end! Now!

"You do realize that you're practically snuggling with my boobs!" Everything fell silent and I felt Jere get up, feeling a part of the pressure subsiding. Liam moved his head so that his cheek was pressed against my breast.

"They're fluffy," he reasoned. Oh my God.

"Did you just call my boobs fluffy?"


"Dude." Liam was pulled away from me. And I was finally able to get enough air in my lungs. I quickly got up, giving Drake space. "What is it with you horny bastards today? Go get a girlfriend," Tony lectured, slapping Liam upside the head, "but leave poor Liz alone."

Liam scratched the back of his head, blushing shamefully. I laughed. "It's alright," I reassured them with a smile. Although this was the third sexually encounter I had with my friends today. "Oh and talking about girlfriends, how's Holly?" I bit my lip as he broke out in a smile.

"We have to work together for an assignment in literature." I smiled when I saw his face light up while he spoke. And that was the reason why I loved to help. Happiness instantly filled my chest. "God, I think I actually started to like Mr. Sullivan, because he paired us up." I felt Ryan's stare as I picked my bottle of water up and took a sip. I prayed that he wouldn't give me away. But seeing as he wasn't really talking tonight, I didn't think he would.

Ryan knew that he was only here, because I convinced Jeremy to let him. That's why he decided to keep his mouth shut as best as he could. I actually felt bad for Ryan. I mean he lost Jere, because Jeremy was blinded by Kim. Because he trusted her over Ryan. That really had to hurt. One day you're best friends and the next.... Your best friend hates you because of something you haven't done. It had to feel like a punch to the gut when he realized that Jeremy, his best friend, whom he grew up with, didn't trust him.

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