The Unexpected Surprise - Chapter 4

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The sound resonated through the Arena as two brothers fought.
"You ain't bad kid." Percy commented.
"I'm not a kid, I'm 16." Dan growled and sent a slash to Percy's chest.
Percy blocked the strike and with his quick reflexes disarmed the boy with the same technique Luke thought him.
"Sorry, but you truly are a great swordsman." Percy said to his half brother.
"Thanks." Dan said as he slung his arm around his brother's shoulders.
(Okay you are bit confused I know that. let's just call my friend Flashback to help you guys out.)

~~Flashback~~(Two weeks ago)

Percy had just woken up from the spar with Jason with a mild headache.
He walked out of the infirmary and just decided to walk around.
"Perce, man wait up." Percy turned and saw Jason running to him.
"You okay?" Jason asked finally catching up to him.
"Yeah just a mild headache nothing a little swim can't fix" Percy said.
"Also you should use your flash speed often so that you get used to it and maybe breakthrough the time limit." Percy added.
Jason raised an eyebrow. "Flash Speed."
"Why?, if you don't like it fine then get a name for it blonde superman." Percy said grinning.
Jason groaned. "Oh my gods, you won't leave me alone till I call it flash speed, will you?" Jason said.
Percy just kept on grinning.
"Fine, I'm gonna call it flash speed." Jason said relenting.
"Cool, I'm going to Thalia's tree wanna come?" Percy asked.
"Sorry, Piper and I have a… an appointment, yes Piper and I have an appointment." Jason said albeit a bit sheepishly.
"Alright go on, don't want an angry Piper on your tail because you got late for your appointment." Percy said grinning mischievously.
Jason blushed a bit and sped away with his flash speed.
Percy whistled. "Damn that was fast."
Percy quickly made his way to Thalia's Pine tree and sat by Peleus.
"Hi bud" Percy said petting the dragon. The dragon just puffed some smoke.
"I know, I haven't been spending much time with you but the war got me all choked up. I promise I'll make time for you." Percy said. This seemed to please the dragon.
"Anyw-" He was cut off as a scream suddenly tore through the air.
"Somebody help me." Percy got up and saw a boy about his age running away from a Cyclops.
Percy quickly uncapped Riptide and hurled it into the monster's one eye.
It instantly burst into golden dust.
Percy immediately run to the boy.
"Are you okay?" Percy asked the boy.
"Yeah, what was that thing?" The boy asked.
"Let's go somewhere safe so that I can explain."
Percy sent the boy to camp and made their way to the Big House. Percy couldn't help but notice that the guy looked a bit similar to him. Raven black hair and sea-green eyes.
Percy knocked on the door and waited for someone to open. The door opened to reveal Chiron in all his glory.
"Is that a-a...a" The boy stuttered.
"New I presume" Chiron said.
"Yep. I found him being chased by a Cyclops." Percy said.
"Come in" Chiron ushered.
The duo walked into the big house.
"So, what is your name?" Chiron asked after giving the seats.
"Daniel Dickson Sir" The boy replied.
"Okay Dan, what do you know about Greek mythology?"
"A lot Sir." Dan replied.
"Good that's good, what about your parents?" Chiron asked. The boy looked down.
"My mom died when I was twelve and I never knew my Dad." He said sadly.
"Cheer up kid. I promise you after this your life will become better. Hopefully." Percy said muttering the last part to himself but they all heard.
"I'm sorry for your loss young one, but did your mom say anything about your dad?" Chiron asked.
Dan nodded. "Mom said he's lost at sea." Dan revealed.
Everyone was quiet.
"Uhh… did I say anything wrong?" Dan asked.
"Please could you come again?" Percy asked.
"I said my mom said my father is lost at sea." The boy said confused as to why they were acting as if World War 3 was about to happen.
"Can you come with me for a moment." Chiron asked Dan
He led the boy into a certain room to show him the introduction video leaving Percy to his thoughts.
'That's the same thing mom told me. He is my brother. I have a demigod brother' Percy thought.
After some time, Chiron and Dan came out. The boy looked shocked.
"Percy please can you help Dan out and give him a tour around camp." Chiron said to Percy.
"Sure, why not." Percy said leading Dan outside.
The tour started off with Percy showing Dan the cabins, the volleyball court, the mess hall, the amphitheatre while explaining the rules and telling him about the past two wars and the gods.
"So umm...Thank you for saving my life back there" Dan said. "Without you I'd probably be the Cyclops' KFC."
Percy chuckled. "Think nothing of it." Percy said.
Percy spotted Annabeth and told Dan to wait for him.
"Hey Annie." Percy said placing a peck on her cheek.
"Hi Seaweed brain, I didn't see you much today." Annabeth said smiling.
Dan watched from afar as he saw Percy and a certain blonde talking.
He knew all the achievement of Percy. It was included in the introduction video Chiron showed him. The blonde was Annabeth he figured. Dan liked Percy but couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. The guy was a hero adored by everyone even the gods and in his life he had never been liked by anyone except his mom and a couple of other people. But Percy treated him like a friend.
"Sorry, if I left you hanging. That was Annabeth my girlfriend daughter of Athena." Percy said returning.
"Yeah I know. She was in the introduction film." Dan said.
"So how is camp like?" Dan asked.
"Well it's like a normal summer camp but with monsters to fight and gods as directors." Percy said. "Come on let's go to the camp fire."
When they arrived at the camp fire everyone was talking to someone or just having fun.
Suddenly they heard Chiron's voice and everyone went quiet.
"Campers I'd like to introduce you to a new member. Dan please step forward." Chiron said.
Dan walked to Chiron and introduced himself to everyone.
"Hi. I'm Dan Dickson and I'm new here."
Right after Dan introduced himself a glowing hologram of a trident popped up above his head.
Dan was confused on why everyone was staring at him with their mouth open but Percy was just grinning happily.
Dan heard a groan from a certain pudgy man with a leopard patterned Hawaii shirt.
"Not another one. Camp is barely surviving with one" The man said.
"It is determined. All hail Dan Dickson Son of Poseidon." Chiron said bowing and so was everyone.

~~Flashback End~~

Everyone was eating quietly sometimes sneaking glances at the two sons of the sea.

"I completely destroyed them man." Dan said to his brother.
"Nah. I had the biggest kills" Percy said grinning.
"You wish." Dan shot back.

Suddenly there was a bright flash and everyone had to avert their eyes as to not get blinded.
When they looked back they saw the gods standing there in all their prideful glory.

"Campers." Zeus Boomed. "We must head to Olym-"
"Jake?" Dan called out.
Zeus' eyes widened. "D-dan what are you doing here?"
"You're Zeus?" Dan asked surprised.
"You know him?" Percy asked.
"Yeah, he's my friend. One time I was being stalked by a couple of cheerleaders and suddenly they disappeared and standing where they were supposed to be was Jake and since then we had been friends." Jake explained still shocked that his friend was the King of gods.

"Cheerleaders?" Percy asked. It rang a bell but Percy couldn't quite place his hand on it.
"Kelli!" Annabeth exclaimed. "You were being stalked by Kelli."
"Seriously does that empousai have a grudge against Poseidon kids or what."
Percy grumbled.

"Wait no this can't be right. Mr. Joseph?" Dan exclaimed in shock.
"Dan, how have you been?" Poseidon asked smiling.
Dan looked at Percy and pointed a shaky finger at Poseidon.
"That's Poseidon?" Dan asked Percy.
"Yeah that's our dad." Percy said.
"Hi dad. What's up?" Percy asked.
"Nothing much just a couple of lightning bolts.(Get it?) Poseidon answered with a grin."I believe you've met Dan."
"Yeah, he's a good kid the brother I wanted when I first came here." Percy said.
"Anyway we will be heading to Olympus for the award ceremony." Zeus said finally coming out of his shock.
"Everybody gather around so that we can transport you." Apollo said.

Everyone gathered around except Jason and Percy.

"How far can you go?" Jason asked Percy.
"I don't really know but I can manage to Olympus. What about you? Percy answered.
"Same here." Jason said smirking. 
"Ready?" Percy asked.
"Ready." Jason said.
Percy closed his eyes and disappeared in sea breeze.
While a lightning bolt struck Jason (just like Shazam) and he to disappeared.
"What just happened?"

A/N: I've been thinking about a pairing and I realized that the book is for you readers so please vote in the comments. And again please point out my grammatical mistakes.

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