three words

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A month has passed since jungkook found taemin and killed him.

Jungkook came home really pissed that day and found you peacefully sleepy on the couch, leaving little snores. 

His heart warmed at the scene as he forgot about everything. He smiled as he lifted you up and made his way to your room to tuck you in bed. 

After that day, the day since you half cuddled jungkook  for some reason you both became quite close, closer than ever.  you seemed to become more comfortable with him now. 

( present )

Restlessly pacing around the large hall as you continuously stole glances at the wall clock which moved slower than the snail. Feeling nervous ,you called him again, yet it directed you to the voicemail. 

It was 3 am in the morning and there was no sign of your husband, letting your brain take over weird questions. 

Meanwhile —

Lifting the shot, jungkook chugged down the burning liquid again. Right when he was about to pour himself another one, namjoon snatched the glass bottle from the younger "Stop drinking jungkook" his voice was stern. 

The intoxicated man glared at the older before reaching out for his bottle.

"No" joon stated. Knowing how stubborn he could be, Jungkook faced back and remained silent.

After minute or less he spoke up again, more like whispered to himself 

"I shouldn't have killed that bas*ard before getting the information about taehoo. It's all because of me or else we would've found him" 

Namjoon sighed, listening to the same sentence again which he's been hearing for the past one month now.  

"Jungkook... stop blaming yourself for it. I told that I'm looking into it and I'm sure we'll find him soon" 

Jungkook didn't reply to the elder, instead he stared at the empty glass as tears unknowingly made its way to his eyes. 

"Why is it always me? All I want to do is to live a happy life with the person I love. Am I being too greedy…? Is it too much to ask…?" The man finally shed his tears. 

Namjoon's heart clenched looking at his brother-like friend in such a state. Going towards jungkook, he hugged him and whispered comforting words into his ear which only made him  cry harder. 

 "Okay..,you need to go home now, y/n will be waiting for you" namjoons voice was soft compared to his previous tone. 

The not fully alcohol influenced man got up from his seat while nodding head, chanting your name under his breath as if it were some sort of a mantra. 

Jungkook was a man of high alcohol tolerance and so he was highly aware of his surroundings but joon insisted on driving him home since it wasn't safe. 

            The man was sober enough before he reached.

 On reaching the house, he typed passcode before entering in only to meet your worried-self

You immediately ran towards him. Jungkook's eyes dilated since he didn't expect you to be awake.   

"jungkookkk where on earth were you?! Why weren't you picking up your calls!? Do you know how worried I was??" You bambered him.

  "I'm sorry… I was with Namjoon hyung. I didn't think that you'd wait for me so..." he nervously said while Scratching his neck lightly. 

You slightly glared at him before going closer to him and wrapping your hands around his tiny waist.

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