"I don't know Pez; maybe he is checking in rehab or something like that", Leigh replied, trying not to sound worried, but Perrie knew her too well. "Hey, I know you are concerned as well." Perrie replied before speaking again: " Can you believe that after four years we are still here wondering what's going on in her life? Because she never immediately opens up and doesn't tell us directly what the problem is", she concluded a little bit frustrated and Leigh could totally understand her.

She was right, Jade was the classic person that keeps everything inside, until it becomes too much and then explodes. Perrie was used to this behavior, but she also knew that things needed to change, Jade was pregnant and had to think about the baby's wellbeing too.

"I know, but remember that at the end of the day, she always comes to us. I'm positive this time will be no exception" Leigh said, trying to reassure the blond girl.

"I don't get why her life has to always get so complicated and difficult. So many heartbreaks, she went through so much and deserves some happiness. Life should be easy", Perrie concluded.

Leigh looked at her and shook her head, "Life isn't meant to be easy Pez. It's meant to be beautiful, there'll obviously be plenty and difficult moments but also amazing and wonderful events. Think it like when we had the babies; honestly I never felt so much pain in my life, it felt like I was dying but when I saw their eyes, I felt the greatest joy in my life and forgot about all the pain, it didn't matter anymore. So, I think life isn't meant to be easy, it's going to be quite hard and with many painful episodes, but then, when the wonderful events happen, that joy will be able to erase all the pain that we've ever felt".

Perrie smiled listening to those words, her friend was quite wise. And maybe that writing session wasn't going that bad as she previously thought.

"We have to write this down", Perrie said, taking her notepad.

"Are we that desperate?"

"We are babe. Jade is going to kill us if when she comes back we haven't written anything good".


Leigh and Andre were in her home gym with some music in the background. She had to admit that she really liked working out: it was really helpful for her mental health, it was an activity that she could do with her husband, and her body was actually amazing.

"Okay, ten minutes break!" Andre said, sitting on the floor while breathing heavily. Leigh took her water bottle and sat next to him.

"So, no update from Jade yet?" He asked, looking at his wife, a little bit worried. She shook her head and started drinking.

"But he is in rehab right now?" He further investigated, as the matter was seriously starting to get him all worried.

His wife sighed, "We don't know much. During the phone call, she just told us that she needed to take this week off. We think he is checking into a facility or something like that".

He nodded, still thoughtful, "Maybe when he is in rehab and she comes back to work, we can offer her to stay with us." He suggested and Leigh smiled, "I've already offered. Also, when she informed us of the situation, I was so taken aback that I said that I was going to send you over, to solve the matter" Leigh added. "I would have done it. No need to ask twice", he replied seriously.

Andre and Jade's relationship was quite different from the one that he had with the younger bandmate. When it came to Perrie, he had always seen her as one of his wife's friends and now his mate Alex's girlfriend; she was nice but that was it. When it came to Jade, things were a little different. He saw her as the little sister he needed to protect from the world; and to be fair that's how the girls saw her too. He always acted as an extremely protective older brother that wanted to avoid his little annoying sister from getting heartbroken. And knowing that for the emptieenth time she was facing something difficult was really upsetting him.

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