Eleven | Sweater Weather

Start from the beginning

None of it makes sense to many people, but to me it makes complete sense. When I finally get out of the shower and change. I walk out of the bathroom and Catherine is gone. Thank god.

I sit on my bed staring down at the pile of half finished and half unfinished assignments. I'll do it another day.

I lay down on my bed and I scroll through my phone. A text message comes through from the one and only Luke Gambit.

Luke has had my number for years and we text now and then recently.

Only for this stupid deal that I created. I open the message and I don't know if I should respond.

Luke: Come over. [20:34]

That's all it says. Nothing special. Just come over.

[20:34] I just saw you less then an hour ago.

Luke: I want to show you something. [20:35]

[20:36] Now?

Luke: Yes. [20:36]

No sarcasm? There is something going on over here and I cannot put my finger on it, but what I got to lose?

[20:37] Be there in 15

I get off my bed, just after I got comfy he wants me to come over. He just cannot get enough of me. That boosts my ego up a little.

I slip on my converse and before I walk out I stare at the bike my mom bought me when I moved to the city. It leans against the wall of my dorm, but I don't ever use it. I much rather walk.


When I reach his apartment door I am huffing and puffing. I decided I much rather run than walk. I knock on the door three times.

One...deep breath. Two...deep breath. Three...deepest breath.

It doesn't take long for him to open the door. He has grey sweatpants on, his usual black hoodie and his glasses? I had no idea he wore glasses. "Indra, what are you doing here?" He asks as I lean my hand against the door frame trying to catch my breath.

"You asked...me to come over." I breath out. He chuckles at me and shakes his head. "When did I ask?" He's fucking with me.

"Over text." I pull out my phone to show him, but all the texts are gone. Did he delete it just to make me seem like a fool?

"Well I might have imagined that. Sorry I'll get going." He opens the door wider. "Get your ass inside. You can't just turn back now. I'll drive you back home after I'm done studying." I shake my head at his offer.

"No thanks. I'll jus-" before I know it he pulls me inside by my arm and shuts the door. He gestures for me to follow him into his bedroom.

When I enter his room there isn't anything I wouldn't expect differently. Last time I was in this room, I didn't get a good look due to me being so confused on where I was. It's your average college bedroom. A mess that's for sure and...Oh My God! There is a guitar!

Without hesitation I go over to the guitar and pick up the triangle looking thingy. "You play?" I ask him.

He just nods and sits by his desk. His hair is a mess as usual. I pick up the guitar and place it on my lap. I used to be able to play a few strings in middle school, but that was it.

Gambit (Obsessions in Overdrive #2)Where stories live. Discover now