'Really Katie?' He chokes out what sounds like w forced laugh before looking back at the court. Right in Noah's direction. 'Are you smiling because he looked at you? Jesus, Katie. Out of all of them you pin for one of the worst ones? He's going to eat you alive. Stay away from him,'

'I hope he does.' I hum before feeling him punch me in the arm to get me to snap back. It was only a joke.

'He would if you asked.' He says it negatively. I fail to see how that is negative. It sounds great from all perspectives actually, 'which is the issue...he'll do it if any mildly attractive girl asks. It's not a you're different type of thing. It's a you have tits type of thing.'

He's not wrong but that's not something I really want to think about. Noah isn't the best out of all of them but I wouldn't say the worst. I'd say the more physically violent ones take that title for obvious reasons. That goes to Thale and mostly Damon. Maybe just Damon at this point. He's never been the best at directing his frustration in the most appropriate ways. At least he tries. I understand that it's hard since he's had anger issues since he was a kid. Not that he talks about it.

But with Noah he's just the most unknown, he'll be minding his business then suddenly miss school because he's been called in by a police officer. He would be described as calm and to himself if he didn't leave a trail of broken hearts and legal charges wherever he goes. No one knows why because he never talks about what the fuck he's doing.

Brushing the longer part of my bangs, I don't think I can even call them that anymore. They've grown out so you can't even tell I used to have them. I could recut but I'd rather die than bring them back. They only stuck the 'Damon's little sister' image even harder on my forehead. I hate it so much. It would be just nice to be referred to as Katie for once.

Looking back at Alex when I remember that he had spoken to me, I raise an eyebrow. 'I don't know if I should be offended or complimented that you indirectly called me 'mildly attractive''

'Offended.' He retraces his steps. 'On one of your good days, I could take a photo of you and a city rat and not tell the difference. Specifically one of those squashed ones we saw at New York on that one middle school excursion,'

Ironically scrunching my nose at his insult. I don't take it to heart. Dipping my head when the warning beep booms from the loudspeaker, I straighten my back. The game is starting soon.

This game has been hyped up for weeks since my school, Lakewood, and the opposing school, Westview, are known to go neck to neck at everything. The basketball games are almost the worst when it comes to these two schools, they're treated like the Olympics. Every basketball game at my school is treated like the Olympics.

Hearing the cheer team begin to roar I sink back into my seat as I watch the basketball guys whisper to each other. They're talking about the length of their skirts and they aren't discrete about it. Not that you can hear what they're saying but you can see what they're looking at. Whoever designed the cheer uniforms needs to be spoken to because one bend and it's over. A few of them wear boxers but others knowingly don't.

I notice Colton walk towards the our cheer girls as they're moving out of the way, to allow the other school to preform their own chant. He approaches one of them once they're out of the way of most peoples view. My seat at the front allows me to see them if I lean forward.

The girl turns around and I immediately lose interest. It's Lilah. Like the typical love story Lilah Foster is the cheer captain and Colton Grey is apart of the varsity basketball team. It's almost euphoric, if you don't count all the breakups and drama between the two. Colton quite literally cannot keep his dick in his pants and Lilah melts at the touch of any man. Their relationship is a mess and I don't even know if it is a relationship. People consider it that but the two never put a label on it.

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