"Dhruv Kiss me here also. That Karan sucked me skin from here." I moved aside the cloth of my suit from neck and asked him to kiss me there.

I hold his both hands and put on boobs. "Please squeeze them as hard as you want. I can feel his hands on there. I want to replace his touch with yours." He stopped kissing me and looked at me with bith confused and worry.


"Dhruv, please touch me down there." I took his one hand and was about to put in the centre of my leg but he pulled his hand away.

"Aditi stop..."

"If you want we can both have sex. Please Dhruv I beg you please remove his touch from my skin or else I rip my flash on my own." I begged to him.

"Aditi stop..."

I hold the hem of his shirt and was about to pull over his head when he stopped me.

I didn't realise that I have tears in my eyes and looked at him dumbly.

"I did not kiss you because I want to replace his touch with mine. Aditi you are still pure to me like you were before. I kissed you because I want to. I was angry and frustrated and I know only you are the one who could calm me." I broke into tears after hearing his confession and put my both hands on my face to hide my embarrassment.

He pulled me into a hug and I ended up on his lap.

"Never think so low of you. You are my queen and no one can harm you till I am breathing." I hugged him back and he did not let me go till I calm down.


I stayed with Dhruv last night, making him sleep on the couch though weirdly he didn't have any problem of us sharing beds. I feel bed that he has to sleep on couch but I asked him that I can sleep on couch he shut me up as soon as I suggested and whole night he was tossing and turning on the couch.

He drop me to the college this morning and went back to work. He said he will pick me up at evening and drop me to my house. I did not tell him that my family came back and what happened to me yesterday. I don't want him to solving my problems whole day.

He is a District Magistrates. He has job to do, not all day fighting for my personal issues. I don't want him to think me as complaint box. He already has done so much for me. I can handle my issues like I was handling from past eight years.

I am sure I can not go back to my old house after fighting back with them. If I go then only God knows what will they do to me. I have to find a decent job and a place to stay. I can not bother both Dhruv and Raghav though I know they both don't think for a second to ask me stay with them but still I know both of them. They love their privacy and don't like to be disturbed by others.

When I came to college this morning, everyone's eyes were only on me and they were whispering things about me in each other's ears while looking at me. I know that this is going to happen because Dhruv Malhotra the District Magistrates has threatened the whole college for me.

I was on my way to library when I saw Priya was walking towards me with puffy and red eyes like she has been crying for whole night.


Before I could do anything She slapped me hard and my head turn to the left. Tears immediately brimmed into my eyes and I looked at her through my blur vision. Like yesterday, students stopped on their way and make a circle around us.

"I used to think that you are innocent and naïve but you are a fox. Because of you Dhruv is ignoring me. Our parents fixed our marriage, we both have engagement next week but like a whore, you stick to him. What you did to my Dhruv." She asked me while shaking me with both shoulders while I was keep looking at her dumbly.

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