103| Epilogue

518 9 4

1 year later...

Meredith was in the kitchen making dinner. she stirred around the pasta in the pot. she picked up the pot and poured it into the strainer, she shook the strainer a bit before pouring the pasta back into the pot.

she grabbed the jar of pasta sauce and attempted to open it, she struggled with the jar for a few minutes before she felt a large hardbody push up against her back.

"Can you open this?" she asked handing the jar to Derek.

"of course," he said taking the jar from her hand and opening it with ease.

"here you go" he kissed her on the side of the head.

"you make it look so easy" she mumbled before pouring the sauce into the pot, picking up a fork, and mixing it.

"because I'm stronger than you" he smirked and kissed her neck.

"I know, you remind me every day" she rolled her eyes.

"can you tell the kids to get ready for dinner?" she asked softly.

"mmhmm," he hummed and left her in the kitchen to finish off cooking.

Meredith finished making dinner. she placed the pot down in the middle of the table. she picked up the plates and set them around the table, she went over to the other side of the kitchen and grabbed the plastic plates and utensils, and set the children's table.

she placed the glasses and utensils down on the table and got the pitcher of water next to the pot.

she then heard the sounds of giggling, arguing and running right before the youngest ones ran into the room. Christopher, Amelia, and Blythe ran into the room.

"Mommy, can you tell Christopher to give me to give me my dolly back?" Amelia whined as she moved to her mother's side.

"Christopher, I thought I told you no more taking your sister's toys," Meredith said turning around to look at both kids.

"she broke my favourite toy" he whined.

"No! I didn't!" Amelia argued.

"Lia, no lying" Derek crossed his arms over his chest.

"I didn't!" she repeated.

"Amelia Grace Shepherd" Meredith said sternly.

"fine! but it was an accident!"

"say your sorry" Derek told her.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly looking down at the floor.

"Christopher, give your toy back to your sister," Derek told him.

"Okay," he looked at Amelia.

he looked at Amelia then at Meredith, then Derek. he ran into the living room.

"Christopher Derek Shepherd!" Amelia yelled running after him.

Meredith rolled her eyes then followed them into the living room.

"Christopher, give the toy back," she said sternly with her hands on her hips.

"I did" he smiled pointing to Lillian as she bounced in the jumper.

"wrong sister" she rolled her eyes before kissing his head before he ran away.

she walked over to Lillian, taking her out of the jumper and placing her on her hip. she took the doll out of her tiny hands, and before Lillian could cry she replaced the doll with her favourite stuffed monkey.

she walked back into the kitchen where she found Derek holding a crying Amelia.

"What happened?" she asked, bouncing Lillian on her hip.

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