99| leaving

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while Meredith was working on a few charts one f my interns came up to her and gave me some scans, She looked at the scans and gave some orders, before the intern left to do she told them. She heard footsteps coming up behind me, She knew It was Derek.

he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her swollen belly in his hands.

"how's the baby?" he whispered In her ear before kissing her neck.

"it's fine"


"well we don't know the gender yet so I guess for now we're saying it"

"Are you scared of what the baby could be?"

"No, I don't really care, we have four boys I'm okay with having another and we have five girls and I'm okay with having another, the only thing I'm worried about is how we are going to pick a name. we've already named nine kids I don't know if we're going to be able to find another one that we both like"

"I'm sure we'll figure something out" he kissed her neck once more. But there is something I do have to tell you that you might not like"

"What's that?" She asked concerned as she turned around in his arms.

"Remember when I used to be in the mafia because of my father?" He asked As she nodded her head looking into his eyes.

"Well, turns out he might not be dead and I have to go back into the mafia to find out the truth" he cringed a bit as he wasn't sure what her reaction would be.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"It means I have to leave," he said as her face dropped "but not for long" he quickly added.

"Derek, I'm pregnant and we have nine kids. I can't take care of nine kids alone and be pregnant!" She whispered harshly.

"I know and I'm sorry for this happening now out of all times, but my sisters and my mother can help"

"Derek, you know I don't like to rely on other people, and your mothers getting older I don't want her to have to take care of our kids, that's not her job it's ours" she argued.

"I know but I won't be done long"

"You don't know that, people always say that, how do I know you won't end up dead or never coming back?" She said as tears filled her eyes.

"You don't" he sighed "but I'll make sure I will be home in time for the baby," He said sympathetically as he cupped her face in his hands.

"I don't care about that, you won't be here for any of it you might as well not be there for the birth. You know what, go. You can go I do t care" she said moving out of his grip and standing behind him as he turned to face her.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"Go, just go," she said waving her hand in the air before walking away.

She walked into a nearby on-call room closing the door behind her locking it, sliding down the door as she broke into tears.

After she had cried for about twenty minutes she stood back up as best as she could, wiping the tears from her eyes. She ran her hands over her scrubs straightening them out before opening the door.

When she opened the door she was met with Derek who was leaning up against the doorway, he had heard everything. She closed the door and walked right past him.

Derek watched as she walked away before wiping a few of his own tears and walking towards his office. He didn't want to leave but in his mind, he had to. His fate he could be alive after all these years, and if he was alive he wanted to know and wanted to know what really happened.

It was his father, the man he looked up to his entire life until he supposedly died. Every time one of the children was born all he ever wished for was for his father to be there and meet his grandchildren, his first three grandsons. But he never could.

Meredith knew how much his father meant to him but even he knew this was a lot, and the worst timing of all. He had a baby on the way, his tenth child. He thought it was crazy how far they had come, having triplet boys, twins girls. Not everyone got that, but they did.

He wanted to be there throughout her entire pregnancy like he was with their other children, he wanted to be gone for the least amount of time possible, but he wasn't sure how long they would take, a few months at the most and that was too long for Meredith to be alone with nine kids along with a daughter who was almost a teenager.

He knew Meredith was right about his mother getting older and taking care of the children was their job and not Carolyn's, the sister that had the most time on her hands was none other than, Nancy.

All her kids were older and could take care of themselves other than Riley but she was always with Daniel, but he knew Nancy would never agree to help him, especially Meredith.

Amelia had one child, Scout who was five the same age as Christoper. The boys were close and so were Meredith and Amelia but Amelia also had work, but then again Meredith and Amelia worked the same jobs so Amelia could help Meredith, she would so easily do it he wouldn't even have to ask her.

He opened the door to his office and sat down in his large chair, pulling out his laptop and looking at the information he was sent about his father. He thought about letting it go and staying with his kids and Meredith.

'Maybe I could hire someone else to do it'

he thought.

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