The knife she had brought back belonged to the Third Eye Organization, an underground information center operating throughout the continent. 

'Did the Esdels place a hit on Angelica using the Third Eye organization?'

This was the third time within the month, she had been attacked. Now that the Third Eye assassins have been involved the aristocrats would be relentless until they achieve their goal.

With the war between the Esdels and Frosts at a crucial stage, they are running out of time to change the Frost successor.

'So they want to kill Angelica huh?' My body became tense just from thinking about it. 

Maybe it was instinct to protect one's family, but I wanted to eliminate every single one of the pests that dared to put her in harm's way.

Judging from Angelica's voice, it doesn't seem like she was hurt. Rather she was pacing around riled up with newfound energy.

'What are you searching for so hysterically?' I wanted to ask her when Angelica dragged a chair across the room and stopped in front of the wall.

"Where did you hide your dirty little secrets? Hmmmmm" She muttered, tapping on the wall's surface as she moved along its path.


My eyes grew wide when I realized what the object of her search was. But I quickly shot down the assumption since it was ridiculous to even think about.

'That's not possible...' The long days in bed must be finally messing up my mind to even consider that.

However, I was proved wrong the very next second.



The sound of the fake wall opening was heard throughout the quiet room.

"You really need to upgrade to a newer version safe for hiding stuff. Even my..." Angelica jested, moving on to force open the next layer.

Did she just open the safe? 


My safe? The safe hidden inside my room? I couldn't hide my astonishment. 

Not a single person alive is aware of the existence of the safe inside my chamber. And there is no record depicting its exact location. I made sure of that.


How? I was dumbstruck.

While I was still in shock, Angelica had successfully opened the vault.

"Ka-chink....Look here dear husband I opened your safe"

How does she know about the safe?

"You really need to upgrade to a newer version safe..."

Can't believe I'm hearing security advice from the person who broke into my private vault. But how did she find-... No. I think we are at the point of our relationship where certain things cannot be explained.

"Documentation on the Council of Elders, A..."

All I can do is wait for the truth to reveal itself. Or through Angelica in one of her self talks.

"Ownership to the port town in Napal..... Holy sh*t"

One fact is for certain, Angelica has officially become the most suspicious person in the empire, seizing the position from the Serpents by a landslide.

There are only two possible scenarios that could explain everything. Either Angelica has been orchestrating every event in the capital for the past few years or she can simply see the past, present, and future.

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