A Son Unknown

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The next day came quick and you and Chrom had to say your farewells to Lucina before departing to the Ruins of Time...

"Ok Lucina soon we'll come home soon and we'll play all you want. Be a good girl to all the people at home!" You spoke to Lucina in a cute tone

Lucina babbled on as you gave her to the nurse that returned from the night before.

Although she didn't want to let go of you.

"Daddy and Mother will be ok! Just you wait!" Chrom talked as he ruffled Lucina's hair

She just stared at you and Chrom.

"Ok. Stay safe out there! We'll be waiting for you all come home in victory! War is a horrible thing for a child to deal with!" The nurse told

"Oh we know that all too well... Goodbye! Bye little princess!" You answered with a small wave

"Bye Lucina. Come on Y/N. I think everyone's still waiting for us outside the castle." Chrom spoke

"Ok let's go." You then walked off and Chrom followed after

Lucina outstretched her arm, she sounded like she didn't want held because she seen the both of you walking away...

"We love you Lucina." Chrom turned to face Lucina one more time and replied in a comforting voice before walking to your side

Once you and Chrom left the castle, the future Lucina with her hood still up showed herself in front of you. Alongside all the Shepards and future children you've found in Valm.

"So you said goodbye have you?" Lucina asked

"We just did. Now I think we better get a move on to these ruins. Before Valm takes advantage of us." Chrom answered

"I can tell she really wanted to spend more time with you. Well myself really..." Lucina told

"You think we didn't notice? Of course we do... we love her just as much as you... are you jealous? Of yourself?" You asked

"Huh? No! I could never- Off topic aren't we?! Can we just move on now?" Lucina was flustered by your question

"Ok Lucina. Weather or not you do and you're just denying it. You can just come out and say it when we're not near Yisstol preferably..." Chrom sarcastically told

"Father!" Lucina grew embarrassed as she raised her voice in a whisper

"All right everyone. To the Ruins of Time!" You clapped your hands to get everyone ready to move out

*a few days later*

Everyone arrived at the Ruins of Time.

"Ok Shepards. We've come here to find an artifact left my Naga herself. It's called Naga's Tear. It will be needed if we're to beat the Conqueror. Risen have made their way here. Everyone full forces engage!" Chrom commanded

You looked ahead to see who to send out when you spotted a boy who was unconscious, you thought that he could be one of the future children.

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