Ending the Plegian War.

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At sunrise your army march towards the border wastes of Ylisse and Plegian territory.

Meanwhile with King Gangrel.

"Aw. Seems like the Ylisseans came back with a vengeance Milord. Well most of them, Chrom on the other hand seems like nothing phased him!" Aversa reported from above on her pegasus

"Back so soon? And Chrom?! Why they're mere ants at my feet at this rate. Send out my soliders... I'll fight them personally, send in reinforcements if I need them and wait on my command!" King Gangrel told

"Of course Milord!" Aversa cackled

A solider ran up to the King and Aversa.

"Dreadful news Your Worshipful!" The solider told

"Oh?" King Gangrel looked down upon him

"Our men surrender to the Ylisseans approaching!" The solider reported

"Those fools I thought I beaten my fury into them! Send out ALL MY SOLIDERS!" King Gangrel grew furious

Aversa gave a courtesy and flew off

*Back to your army*

Frederick reported back to Chrom from what information came through.

"The Plegian army struggles to gather themselves as we speak." Frederick bowed

"What? How-" Chrom immediately knew

"It's what your sister spoke of on that day." You answered

"Yes... I don't mind you saying her name Y/N I just get emotional is all... But they're in for a rude awakening!" Chrom told

"Let's do it. And finish this war and start anew." You replied

"You stole the words out of my mouth! All right let's go." Chrom guided his troops

And so did you with the Shepards...

*on the battlefield*

King Gangrel awaited Chrom to step forward.

"Why good morning to you all! I suppose you want me to use your screams as a way for people to get up from this point onward? Or perhaps your sister's death as a wake up call?" King Gangrel spoke

"Enough of that! You'll die by my hand and ending your tyranny! My friends and loved ones are all by my side and we WILL destroy your army with you buried underneath it all!" Chrom boldly stated

"Ooh! Your words are like music but terrible music. How about shutting up!?" King Gangrel shouted

"I've got your back Chrom." You told

"I know my strength is yours... Let's get him! CHARGE!" Chrom raised Falchion in the air as he and all of his army rushed at the Plegian army


Chrom and yourself went up to King Gangrel for a duel.

Our Tied Story... Chrom x Fem Reader (Awakening)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz