Intruders of Good and Evil

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Once reaching home to Yisstol, you seen Chrom still out in the courtyard...

He looked distressed, very much unlike him.

You felt like he needed to be consoled...

"Chrom is something the matter?" You asked and he turned to face you

"Hm? Y/N nothings wrong it's just... King Gangrel's words just always feel like daggers to me... Tomorrow we have to journey to Regna Ferox for more soliders..." Chrom tried to change the topic

"Chrom..." You uttered softly

"I would talk to you about it but..." Chrom looked away

"You can tell me... I'm right here." You replied forcing him to look to you

"What he said was very true although I'd like to think my father as a fraudulent king... Yes, he ruled over a few peaceful years and loved us but well... power hungry as he was he seen Plegians as low lifes forcing to be put to the blade he ended the feud with bloodshed... He died 15 years later as soon as his fighting ceased. Our mother didn't see fighting as a valued option, she sadly died as soon she gave birth to Lissa... Our army had been recruiting mere villagers due to the many casualties..." Chrom explained

"No father would wish upon their children to fight a war for their own beliefs... Without an army as well... How did you all survive without any means of authority or rations as it was?" You asked

"It only got worse after his death... Without a King or Queen to rule, Emmeryn was to be Exalt before turning 10 years old it affected her very much... I was only a tender of 4 and I seen how sad she had to put up with... Her people turned on her, insulted, rioted... But somehow she seen through her people's maddened minds and healed them... I do not know how but she did... That's why so much of Yilsse respects her... Unlike her upbringing... She had always put on a brave face and would let it out once it was myself and Lissa growing up..." Chrom continued

"Gods... I'm so sorry... I could never imagine living a childhood like that... Although I have no recollection of my own... Whoever cared for me weather it was both parents or one... I respect them for keeping me alive from a disaster and even if I'm not originally from Yilsse I too would share that pain you had..." You empathized with Chrom

"Emmeryn never showed hatred towards her people... I can see why now the people would show her respect unlike our father's deeds made it seem like it was her doing..." Chrom told

"Emmeryn makes a perfect example for what a ruler should be... Not a tyrant like King Gangrel..." You responded

"Yes she does..." Chrom reciprocated

"I agree with you two... Good evening to the both of you as well..." Marth's voice came from behind

"Marth? How did you get inside?!" Chrom asked

"My apologies for the surprise entrance... I arrived through the damaged wall while no one was there..." Marth answered quietly

"You mean through the training grounds? That wall?" You asked while looking to Chrom

"Oh... That was an accidental damage... I had gotten carried away when I was younger..." Chrom nervously admitted

"It's fine sir... I've come to warn you of danger that approaches as we speak..." Marth showed a faint smile then frowned

"What is it?" You questioned

"The Exalt will be assassinated within the hour, you will be striked in cold blood before given a chance to put up a fair fight." Marth made clear as he pointed to Chrom and you

"That can't be true... Emmeryn is guarded every hour how could... Why would we be targeted?" Chrom denied

"How exactly can we put our trust in you?" You grew suspicious at Marth's words

"Would I be insane to say I foresee things? Or do you want me to prove you both wrong?" Marth then sheathed his Falchion

"What are you-" You and Chrom spoke in unison

"I'm about to save your lives, thank me for doing so..." Marth answered

Soon rustling came from the tree, an enemy dashed out from it targeting Chrom, Marth jumped over the enemy and slashed the killer, the enemy fell to the ground going limp...

"Do you believe me now?" Marth bluntly asked

"Fair point. Wait I sense-" You answered but before finishing your sentence another killer rushed at you before you had a chance to draw your weapon

"No!" Marth shouted

Before Marth realized this he tried to run over to shield you but he lost his footing and his mask was cut in two...

He was in fact a woman hiding long dark blue hair and a pair of blue eyes...

Chrom quickly took action and killed the other enemy...

Marth picked off the shards of the mask and looked at it in despair before turning around to reveal her face...

Chrom and you tried to process what just happened before turning to Marth to see if they were unharmed...

"You were rig-" You gasped from who you seen

"You're not a man? How did-" Chrom was about to ask 'Marth' a question

"I honestly thought how much longer I would have to keep the act on... I'm shocked neither of you saw through my painfully awful impression of a man." Marth spoke much more naturally instead of straining her voice as a male

"Are we that blind not to notice?" Chrom asked

But before Marth could answer a rumbling noise could be heard inside the castle walls...

"They're here!" Marth shouted

"Let's go!" Chrom told

As the three of you ran inside to find the commotion coming from within

Meanwhile from outside...

"Report now!" The leader named Validar of the assassins commanded

"Our best were killed for when they were supposed to wound the prince and his tactician... What should we do?" A solider asked

"Kill the Exalt even if it means killing them myself... Our plan shall not fail! Who is the tactician I wonder? For whoever they are they are quite intelligent for stopping my best soliders..." Validar commanded while using magic to see through the walls


You were commanding the Shepards to their stations...

"Hold a moment... *laughs wickedly* It seems Grima grants me his proud daughter back... I've finally found you and WILL bring you back home to your destined birthright... No mother can save you now!" Validar cackled evily

Our Tied Story... Chrom x Fem Reader (Awakening)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora